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"So what happened to John?"

I groan at my mother, rolling my eyes, "it didn't work out, mom." Colin smiles at me from across the table at the restaurant after Emily's graduation. My parents sat him next to her, purposely putting me on the other side of the table.

"But why, dear? He was so good for you; smart, rich, only slightly older than you. He could take care of you."

Before I can respond, Colin scoffs and shakes his head, "no offense, but your daughter doesn't need anyone to take care of her. She's smart and capable all on her own."

Sally laughed, "what about when it comes time to have kids? How can she take care of kids and work at the same time? I don't want grandkids raised by nannies."

"I don't even know if I want kids, mom."

"What?!" David sets his silverware down on the table as everyone looked at me. Colin and Emily both look at me apologetically as my parents scowl.

My mother glared at Colin, "is this your doing? You don't want to give up your bachelor lifestyle, so you convinced her not to have children?"

He laughed, "of course not. Whether your daughter does or does not have a baby is her decision, not mine and certainly not yours." I shot him a small smile which he returned, continuing to watch me as everyone returned to eating quietly.

"Is it still okay if I come to stay with you for a while?" Emily finally broke the silence, smiling at me.

I nodded, "of course it is sweetie. I have a room made up for you already."

"Why don't you come and stay with us Emily?"

She sighed at Sally, "because I'm applying at law offices in Boston mother. I'm moving to Boston."

Sally rolled her eyes and looked at Colin, "and how long have you been dating Amelia?"

"I've been with Mia for a little over a month I guess." I grinned at him for over enunciating Mia for my benefit.

"Oh. So it's not serious then." Sally seems a little happier knowing we haven't been together for very long.

"It's serious." Colin and I both speak at the same time, causing me to smile as I hear Emily giggle beside Colin.


I was happy when we made it through the end of dinner and said goodbye to my parents and to Emily who would be coming to Boston the following weekend. I sat in the passenger seat as Colin drove us back home and I stared out the window. He eventually clears his throat and turns the music down, "I think we should talk about our conversation from this morning."

"Okay.." I turn back to look at him as he glances at me, reaching over to grab my hand, "what about exactly."

He sighs, "I think part of the reason you don't want to have kids is because you don't want to be like your parents. Especially your mother. But..."

I groaned, "Colin.."

"No. Let me finish Mia." He kissed my hand before continuing. "I think you'd be a great mother Mia. You're kind and compassionate. If you really don't want kids because you don't want kids, then fine. But don't not have kids because you're afraid of becoming your mother. You're nothing like her, and I've only met her once.

I chuckled, "that's sweet Colin, but she's right. I'm too into my career to want to stay home and I don't want kids raised by nannies either."

"So have them raised by their father." He shrugs slightly as he keeps his eyes on the road.

"What are you saying?"

After some quiet, he pulled into the driveway and turned to face me, "I'd be happy to stay home with them. Give me a bigger position in the company, I'll take business classes at night and prove myself."

I laughed, "Colin, we've only been dating for like 6 weeks."

He shrugged, "so what? I love you. I'm not asking you to marry me or have kids with me right now, I'm merely stating my position. Would you be willing to have kids if I was the stay at home parent?"

"I don't... I don't know Colin."


"What about your band Colin?" I lay in bed with him later that night, cuddled to his chest as I listen to him breathing quietly, knowing he isn't asleep yet.

He sighed, "it's not like we're big time Mia. It's a pasttime."

"It's not." I sat up to look at him, "it's your passion. I would never ask you to stop for me."

He laughed, "I didn't say I would stop. I would just cut back. We have gigs every few weeks or so. Lay back down Mia."

I hesitated but he grabbed my arm, pulling me back onto the bed. He turned to pin me on my back, "I don't want you to regret being with me, down the line. You're young."

He laughed again, "you're not exactly old. I love you. I would never regret being with you. Ever."

I nodded and sighed, "I love you too. What if I can't have kids?"

He shrugged, "I'm okay with that too."

I shook my head, trying to push him off me but instead he pressed his body on top of mine, grabbing my legs and wrapping them around his waist, "you're being ridiculous Colin. We haven't been together that long. What if you change your mind? What if you decide you want to have kids with someone else? What if you meet someone else?"

He chuckled, "come on. You're overthinking. There is nothing logical about love, Mistress." He grinned, leaning back to run his tip along my entrance as I bucked up against him. He grinned, winking at me, "what?"

"Colin, don't tease me."

He grinned, "never." He slid into me slowly, leaning down to kiss me as he did. He kept everything slow and for the first time being with someone, I felt what it was like to be loved and cared for. Colin and I seemed like a perfect match notwithstanding the age difference, but that didn't seem to bother him. I went into this thinking it would remain casual; just sex. But now he was talking about kids and love and a future. I never really let myself stop long enough to think about a future before... until now.

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