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Colin strolls into my office every afternoon at roughly the same time. I hired him a few months ago to do some grunt work around the office: cleaning, light maintenance, filing and mail clerk work. He wasn't overly qualified for anything, but he was easy on the eyes and the other girls sure enjoyed eyeing him up and down while he filed. I couldn't say I blamed them, after all, one of the reasons I hired him was because of those piercing baby blues. I've definitely imagined seeing them peeking up at me from between my legs more than once. I shivered slightly, shifting in my seat as I returned back to the work on the computer screen in front of me.

I hear Colin enter my office and set my mail on my desk on Friday afternoon. I can also feel him standing there awkwardly, like a lost boy, watching me. I try to ignore him but he doesn't budge. I finally glance up at him, jeans and a t-shirt like he's a fucking teenager still. "Why are you just standing there. Get out." Came out harsher than I intended. He doesn't seem to mind the sternness of my voice as he takes a step towards me, placing his hands behind his back. That's a good instinct, a good sign of submission. He has my attention now, even though I know it wasn't intentional.

He plasters on a convincing 'fuck me' grin as he opens his mouth, "are you sure there isn't anything else I can help you with Ms. Hargrove? Anything at all?"

I have to hold back a chuckle as I shut my computer, leaning over it as I inspect him. If only he knew what he could do for me. I have so so many ideas for this boy. But I'm not convinced he'd be up for it. "Tempting Shea, tempting." And it is tempting.. a part of me wants to tell him to lock the door and drop to his knees in front of my chair. No, that would be too aggressive to start with. I don't want to scare him away. "But I'm not sure you can keep up. Turn around and walk out of here. Maybe on Monday wear big boy clothes? Not jeans and a t-shirt?"

He rakes his full lower lip between his teeth as he nods and I have to concentrate to not stare at them. "As you wish, ma'am."

Ma'am? Makes me feel a bit old, but at least he's respectful. I'd rather him call me something else.. another time. I shake my head as I watch him begin to leave. "Good boy." Fuck. I say it without thinking. What does he even think of that? I watch him pause in the doorway, not turning back to look at me as he cocks his head to the side. He's trying to figure out if he likes it. I grin, leaning back in my chair. Oh, he likes it alright.


I prop my computer in my lap as I lie in bed later that night. I'm in shorts and a tank top with my hair pulled back. I can't stop thinking about Colin as I begin to peruse a cam boy site. Sometimes it was easier to get the boys to do what I wanted when there was a computer in between us. Guys face to face became shy, unwilling to submit in the ways I wanted. I assume because they thought it made them feel weak, humiliated them. But it wasn't about humiliation for me, no it was about vulnerability. Giving yourself to someone, trusting them, made you vulnerable.

I browse the various cams when I spot the eyes I knew well. I stopped at Colin's room. How had I not found him before now? He sat on his couch, quietly strumming his guitar in only jeans. I just knew he had a firm body under those t-shirts. He glances casually at the camera as his room begins to fill, everyone asking to see more of him. A new feeling surged through me, jealous that other people were seeing him and anger that it wasn't just for me. He gives in, taking off his jeans to display some blue boxer briefs. It shows off more of his lean body, brown hair covering his chest and abdominals, leading to an obvious hefty package he kept hidden under the blue fabric. He sits back on the couch, obviously shy. How quaint. I can't help but message him, after all he doesn't know who I am...

mistress77: well aren't you an obedient, good boy... 🧎🏻

I see him smirk as he catches my message. The fun I could have with this boy.. "I could be, mistress77. But it's only my first night, I thought I'd ease into it. Come back tomorrow?" Count on it.

mistress77: do I get a private show?

He's mulling it over, he really is new to this. I wanted to be the one to break his cherry so to speak. I needed to be the one... "Why don't you come back tomorrow and find out... Anyone want me to sing something before I go?" I don't say anything else as he pulls his guitar back into his lap, singing as he glances into the camera. He may be new, but he knows exactly what he's doing. He winks at the camera, throwing everyone a smirk before it goes black. It feels like he winks at only me, my shorts soaked through between my legs. I want to touch myself, find relief. But I'm nothing if not disciplined. No, I would wait until tomorrow night. I have a feeling it will be more than worth the wait.

Good Boy (Colin Shea) 🧡Where stories live. Discover now