"I'm not. I just don't like that."

"You're jealous," he smirked. "You were looking at her like you wanted her dead."

He had a prideful look on his face and that fueled your anger even more. Does he find this funny?

"You know, if you're just gonna keep being a cocky motherfucker about all this, then forget I said anything," you snapped, getting up from your chair. 

"Woah, hey come on," he called out. "I was kidding."

"No, you don't get it. You just wanna turn this into some sort of joke or ego boost for yourself. But this isn't a joke to me."

"Why are you getting all pissy over this? It's not that serious. It's not like I'm flirting back or anything."

"Yeah, that I know of," you spat. His face fell, and you wanted to take back your words immediately but you couldn't.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, crossing his arm.

You stayed silent, looking at your feet.

"You think I'd fucking cheat on you?" His eyes were narrow, glaring at you, waiting for you to answer. 

"No, god no," you whispered. "I just get scared."

"Why? You know that I'd never do that," he assured, walking over to you. 

"Because that's exactly what my ex said to me. And he did," you blurted out, tears pricking your eyes. "How am I supposed to know that the same thing won't happen again?"

The tears fell from your eyes, rolling down your cheeks as you hug yourself. You had never told him about that, not wanting to bother him or upset him with your past. Now you felt stupid that you had confessed to him in that way.

"Oh, my love," he cooed, bringing you into his chest. "It's okay."

He wrapped his arms around your figure, resting his chin on top of your head. You cried into his chest as he rubbed your back soothingly. A small fear crawled up Arny's spine when he felt you shivering in his arms. That's when he realized just how serious this was. 

"Fuck, I'm sorry," you mumbled, pulling away from him. "I promised myself that I'd never tell you about that."


"Because it's in the past and it doesn't matter anymore," you stated, wiping your tears.

"Listen," he began. "I don't know the full story and I'm not gonna force you to tell me either. All I know is that what they did was fucked up. They definitely didn't appreciate what they had. My love, you are the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and I would never leave you for anything or anyone. You're it for me. You're everything I've ever wanted and more."

"You really mean that?" you said with a small smile. 

"Every fucking word," he assured. He cupped your face in his hands, leaning down to place a soft kiss on your lips. "Besides, I hate to break to you, but you're stuck with me."

You laughed, pecking his lips again with a smile. 

"If it bothers you, I'll talk to her about it," he offered.

"No, it's fine. I don't wanna start shit," you shook your head. 

"You're not. She's chill, I'm sure she would understand."

"Okay," you grinned, leaning up to kiss him passionately. 

His arms snaked around your waist and yours around his neck as your lips moved in sync. A moan escaped your throat as his tongue entered your mouth. He began walking, backing you up until your back hit the counter. 

"Jump," he ordered, hands gripping your ass.

You did as he said, letting him set you on top of the counter as he stood in between your legs. He squeezed your hips, pulling you impossibly closer. His lips trailed down to your neck, reaching your sweet spot. You whimpered, moving around in your spot trying to gain some friction to relieve the pressure. Just as he was about to tuck his hands into your shirt, your heads turned at the sound of a shoe squeak on the floor.

"Come on, guys. Really?" Danny gasped. 

"My bad, man," Arny apologized, pulling you off the counter.

"Get a room," Danny teased.

"Oh, believe me, we will," Arny whispered in your ear, making you blush. 

A/N: Hope y'all like it! I'm thinking of making a second part for this but I'm not sure if I should 

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