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Yoongi sighs and asks, "Why didn't you confide in me?"
I scoff condescendingly, "Do you really want to know my sex life? That our best friend took my virginity, and I gave it willingly!"
Yoongi whines, "It would have meant I could talk to him about it and ask him his intentions so that you wouldn't be this hurt!"
I say with soft sarcasm, "I'm a big girl now, Yoongi. I don't need my brother to do my adult talking for me, and I know you support me loving Jin. But he doesn't love me. He loves a sociopath. At least I kept him BTS. He wouldn't have been very Bangtan if he had gotten shot." I smile, chuckling to myself, and Yoongi chuckles too. 

Yoongi climbs onto the bed as the chuckling dies away to tears, and he curls up around me and cries, "I nearly lost my twin. Never fucking scare me like that again. Four times now, I don't think I will survive a fifth scare."
I apologise earnestly, "I'm sorry, Yoongi. I didn't intend to get shot. I was just trying to stop her from shooting someone else."
He appeases, "I know Yunmi. You scared me, noona."
I scold him lightly, "Don't noona me. You promised you would never noona me!" He laughs, and Tae comes in with some of the others and food. They all hug me, relieved, and a doctor follows them in.

The doctor smiles at me and lightly indicates, "Hello, Miss Min. I thought I would inform you of what has happened." I smile and thank him. He reveals, "We closed up your lung and drained you of the blood lost, gave you transfusions, and as the bullet exited through your shoulder blade and produced too much damage, we have replaced your shoulder blade. Physiotherapists will come round to see you tomorrow to give you some exercises you can do before deciding if you are physically fit to return home. You will require assistance, to begin with, at home. Your body has been recovering well while you were in a coma."

Yoongi offers dotingly, "I will move in with you, for the time being, then Yunmi."
I smile and decline gently, "It's ok, Yoongi. I will ask Hwasa if she can stop by to help me. We are going to collaborate anyway, so it makes sense that we can work together while she is around. You are about to enter promotion season. You can't move out."
Yoongi frowns and argues, "But I'm your twin."
I counter softly, "You are also a man. Would you even be comfortable helping me pull up underwear after going toilet or seeing me naked in the shower to wash my back?"

He claims firmly, "Comfortable ... no but I'd get used to it, so I'll do it. You are my twin. I want to help you."
I chuckle, "I'll talk to Hwasa first. Ok?"
Yoongi relents, and Hobi asks cautiously, "What about Jin? You got shot saving him."
Yoongi shouts sharply, "No, he isn't coming near Yunmi again. I forbid it!"
Hobi looks between us, and I confirm quietly, "I've told Yoongi now, and he isn't pleased with me."
Hobi nods in understanding, and then Yoongi looks at me and asks in shocking betrayal, "You told Hobi?"

I nod and confirm, "On his birthday, when we were at mine, and I was vulnerable. I didn't want to tell you and create more fights, but I needed to tell someone and talk."
Yoongi looks to Hobi and snaps, "Why didn't you tell me?"
Hobi says quietly but not remorseful, "Sorry hyung, but it wasn't my information to share."
Yoongi sighs and says, "Ok, I understand. Thank you for being Yunmi's confidante."
I pull on Yoongi's ear and gripe, "Speaking of sharing things they shouldn't. Don't think you are off the hook for telling BTS about my teenage suicide attempt! Don't think I didn't notice that Hobi didn't really react when I told him myself! That tells me it wasn't just Jin you told."

Yoongi gulps audibly, nervous, and he whispers, "I'm sorry, I was worried about you being overwhelmed and scared about idol life for yourself. I just wanted the family to help look after you! I promise I meant nothing bad by telling them!"
Hobi smiles brightly and squeaks out nervously, "That's what family is for. To look after each other."
Before I can argue what he said, Joon puts the food in front of me and commands, "Eat up, noona. You need the strength to recover. It's been four days."
I smile, lighting up and distracted by the food, "Thanks, everyone."

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