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A few weeks pass.
*Jin's thoughts*
I miss Yunmi so much! We have done so much together, like cooking, cleaning, dancing around like idiots, and playing games, and the sex was better than with Seulgi. I won't even deny anymore that Seulgi doesn't make me happy.
I'm noticing things that I didn't notice before, differences in behaviour when I compare her and Yunmi. Seulgi only comes to me when she wants something, whether it's sex or money or to be seen out together.
If I suggest a movie night in the gripes and leaves. If I suggest playing games, she tells me to grow up, and if I tell her I'm working, she pitches a fit and tells me I don't care enough about her.

Yunmi would jump at the chance to do anything together and never expected anything in return or acted like she was doing me and favour. She didn't want fame or money, but she was talented enough to be desired. I miss her. I miss my companion. I wonder how she is doing. She has been doing VLives every few days.
I caught one of them, and she was painting, laughing about how she had gotten paint in her hair. She teased a song for her next album, the duet with Yoongi about family. Yoongi then promptly stormed in and tickled her until she squealed for mercy. Joon stood behind them in the doorway, laughing hard. I wish I'd been there too.
I can't help but hurt her, though. Anytime I see her, I hate that I'm with Seulgi, and it means I have lost her. I take it out on her for running away from me. I hate her for leaving me, for breaking my heart like that.

*End Jin's thoughts*

I'm settled in, and BTS visit me frequently, except for Jin. Dahyun loves the place, and we have gotten close, which makes Jimin happy. Last week I had a run-in with Jin about Seulgi again, and he was horrible. He growled out at me that he regrets becoming my friend and meeting me, that life would be simpler if I wasn't in it.
I saw the regret in his eyes as soon as the words left his mouth. Didn't stop me from trying to commit suicide by overdose again at the thought that the only friend who has stuck by me through everything, protected me, and taken everything, the man I loved ... would be the one to say these things to me.

Namjoon found me. He broke into the back door, panicking when I didn't open the front door or start my scheduled dance practice VLive. He called Yoongi. Yoongi caught up to us at the hospital and stayed to ensure I was safe and sane in myself again.
I told them what triggered the episode, so Yoongi went home and beat Jin up as he screamed at him for hurting me so brutally. None of the others stepped in, knowing that Yoongi had asked for their help to protect me, but he had caused me to spiral.
Yoongi moves into my house, and the others and Dahyun basically take turns staying over, too, which is fine by me. Dahyun and I are both creative people and work together on music and art. I know they are setting up a loose suicide watch, I'm not stupid, but I appreciate that they care.

*Seulgi's POV*
The result is positive. I'm pregnant! Now Jin can't leave me. I will do this once and once only. While I'm still young and can snap back into shape to perform. He can't leave me if I keep him in line with a child from us. Finally, I can get him away from that stupid woman he loves!
*End Seulgi's POV*

It is the morning before Yoongi's and my birthdays, and I haven't heard from Jin since I went to the hospital. I have shown the fans the inside of my new home, and they love it, especially the wall art. I make condensed versions on canvas that they can buy.
I am currently shopping in a mall for Yoongi's birthday present. The plan is to get him a jewelry set, so I'm shopping, and a few ARMY/Blooms join me and record the trip. We bump into Seulgi.
She looks at the people with me without knowing that they are ARMY, and she sneers at me, "Got yourself some new friends, trash like yourself, I see. No wonder Jin's happier now you have left. Only I can make him happy."

I remain polite, "I'm glad you are happy together, Seulgi. Now excuse me, please, we are buying Yoongi's birthday gift."
She scoffs and belittles me, "It's not like you can afford anything decent, so why bother? You are just a waste of space. You can't even go on stage for your fans. What kind of idol are you? No wonder Jin chooses me over you. He was just your friend because he was used to having you around, and it was convenient."

Stay - BTS Jin FFWhere stories live. Discover now