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*Meanwhile at the house*
"HYUNG! HYUNG! YOONGI HYUNG!" Jimin shouts as he hunts through the house frantically, eventually walking into Yoongi as he comes out the shower. Everyone else has gathered in the corridor too, having heard Jimin's frantic panic.
"Hyung! Is there something you haven't told us about noona?" Jimin asks curiously and nervously.
Yoongi freezes, processing, and asks quietly, fearful, "Is she hurt? Is she in hospital?"

Jimin frowns in confusion, pocketing that reaction for another time, and divulges as he hands him his phone, "No hyung, she is going viral! Since when has she been amazing at singing and dancing?"
Yoongi relaxes, then processes Jimin's words, and his curiosity is piqued. The others approach to look over his shoulder as Yoongi plays the recording from the Twitter post. They all stare at the phone in awe.

"She never told me she sings and dances. She uses my studio to create melodies, but I've never gone in there while she works, so I haven't heard her. You are literally always with us. She doesn't sing at work or at home. This is news to me. Yoongi answers in disappointment as he tries to shake off the feeling of it that she hadn't confided in him about her talents.
"Hyung, she's amazing! She has the same lilt as you, but it sounds completely different! I wonder if she will work with us on a song," Taehyung muses.

"I know she reviews the footage for editing. I never thought about her learning to dance, though. Hyung! She could have been my practice partner so many times or even a backup dancer! She has a lot to make up for!" Hoseok whines, playfully excited at the revelation.
Namjoon notes carefully, "Hyung look at the shock on Jin hyung's face, he didn't know either. How did they find out who she was, though? What are people saying about this revelation? She could be at risk now."

Jimin announces worriedly, "Everyone keeps tagging our social media accounts. People are dubbing her the 8th member or calling for her to step back, digging up that she went to school with you and Jin hyung and all sorts. Their sleuthing is uncovering things quicker than BigHit can cover them. We will need increased security, that's for sure."
Jungkook hoots excitedly, "ARMY like her. That much is obvious from the overwhelming amount of support compared to the negative comments. Oh! Someone just found her in earlier footage and is pointing out that she has worked in the team before, and they are demanding answers why she stayed hidden."

Hoseok seems to have a moment of clarity as he exclaims enthusiastically, "Oh, that's perfect! BigHit can use the fact that they didn't have the funding to support her as an idol as a reason why she never signed as one, and then she can confirm that she enjoyed her work in the crew too much to want to debut. This actually plays into BigHit's hands a bit more and gives her the choice to decline to be an idol or take the opportunity to step forward and train properly."
Namjoon says, grinning, "Hobi hyung, you are a genius! I'll call PD-nim and see if he wants to pitch that as an idea."

Taehyung gives Yoongi's spare hand a light but firm squeeze, bringing him out of his stupor, and affirms gently, "We are all happy for her. I know this is a bit of a shock, but let's not worry ourselves. They will be home soon, and we can ask her about it all."
Yoongi nods, and they all resume their tasks, a slight spring of nervousness in their actions. All of them are eager for Yunmi and Jin to return home so they can ask the questions burning them.

*End of BTS POV*

Yoongi pulls me into his room and asks accusingly, "Why didn't you tell me? I looked like a right idiot to the others."
I stammered quietly, "I'm sorry, Jin was annoyed at me too. If it's any consolation, the fact that we have all lived together for so long and no one knew indicates that I hid it well from everyone."
Yoongi implores eagerly, "All the time you spend in my studio, what do you work on?" I show him the folder and give him headphones.
His eyes widen as he takes in the list, and I share, "That's everything I've made in your studio." I see him pick some songs and listen, his eyes widening in surprise or softening or little chuckles escaping him.

Stay - BTS Jin FFWhere stories live. Discover now