Prologue: An Unknown Hero

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Unknown POV:

As every single days, i checked out the results of the generations in the White Room.

Just how many years have i done this?

I don't know if my humanity has been completely ripped away or not.

Even a redemption is something way too unreal for me.

At least, until that day happened.

- Sir? Sir! - A trainer came to my room, with a horrified face.

Just what in the world has he seen.

- I'm here. What happened?

- Another subject from The Demonic 4th Generation just died this morning.

So now there is only one subject left huh? That monster.

- What is so special about it? You have seen another 35 subjects died, 13 subjects went insane, right?

- But this is the first time a subject in White Room has committed suicide. I ... i ...

- Relax. Now, lead me to her room.

I already knew who is it.

Suzuki Shizuku.

Unlike from that monster, she improved while still keeping her humanity, her smile, her angelic side. And surprisingly, she can still keep up with all the hellish training White Room has given, unlike him.

An angelic Jacks Of All Traits, and a demonic monster.

But why did she choose this way?

While walking to her room, i asked the trainer.

- I ... i don't know ...

- Did you say something about her yesterday?

- ...

Looks like he did say something mean about her.

Walking to her room, nothing can shock me more.

Inside the bathroom, a body was found. A longcut in her forearms and a slit on her throat. A razor was nearby. Losing blood till death huh ...

Until i realized something.

She cutted herself not enough to kill her.

From the look, the slit on her throat was so severe. But as i can look, that cut didn't touch her carotid. But the cut on her forearms is just different. Just one accurate cut, not many chaotic cuts.

I have disposed many subjects. Even alive, even dead, i couldn't care less. As long as it is the command from that man, i will accomplish.

Suddenly, Professor Ayanokouji came into the room,.

- Dispose her.

And then he left, with no change in his eye, nor his tone. It's just like that his emotions were gone like that monster.

However, an urge is talking to me. That urge plead me for saving her.

13 years, i have worked for Professor Ayanokouji. I believe in his goal, i believe in his path. But when i see everything, i feel ashamed.

Ashamed of all the smile i ripped away.

Ashamed of all the child i killed, both directly and indirectly.

Ashamed of how much humanity have i lost.

Ashamed of all the dirty things i did.

"Can i even redeem myself?".

And i know.

I must give it a try.

- What should we do sir?

- Give me some times, i must check her out. Get out from this room for 5 minutes.

After the trainer left, i quickly checked her injuries.

From that pale skin, she surely lost plenty of blood. At least 30%. But at that rate, she can still live. I checked her heartbeat. It was really hard, but i can sense a weak heartbeat. Her skin hasn't completely turned cold.

I know i can save her.


2 hours later, we finally arrived to the hospital. All the first aids have been used. She did keep up to the hospital.

What a strong will to live.

I have prepared a fake corpse to trick Professor Ayanokouji. It's real hard, but due to all the trust i gained from 13 years hard-working in the White Room, i can do this.

- Sir? What service do you need? - A nurse coming toward me and ask.

- I need to save her. She is my adoptive daughter.

What a lie. But this lie is necessary.

- I see. Please sir, the best services will come soon. Let me know her name.

- Her name is Suzuki Shizuku. Here is the paper you will need.

- Thank you sir. And your name?

- Tsukishiro.

5 hours later. That nurse came to me.

- She is not in danger anymore. But she is in coma. We will constantly check her condition, so you don't need to worry.

- Don't worry, i can pay the bill. Thank you.

Now, there is something i want to do.

I must find her real parents.

Deep down, in my heart, i want to do such things like this.

I can't be heartless like him.

Because even in the darkest night, there are still light.

To be continued.

Hello, this is my first fanfic. I hope it's ok. The next chapter is her peaceful life before joining ANHS, and how Ayanokouji gain his freedom.

What is it ... to be free ? | Ayanokouji Kiyotaka x Suzuki Shizuku [STOPPED]Where stories live. Discover now