I feel very sad for the system that has been working diligently and on the front line of mission achievement.

    This is the biggest Waterloo of its career.

    Its depression is manifested as sullen, unwilling to speak out, and even the most timely broadcast of favorability is not good when it fails.

    [Tong, I want to open it up]

    While writing the event planning for the school celebration, I tried to comfort it.

    The system said that he was not comforted at all, he hummed and changed his posture, continued to be in the corner of my conscious world, grouped himself, and then closed himself.

    [Don't be like this, life will go on]

    I bit the pen and thought for a while, and couldn't hold back the temptation to ask.

    [All, look at the points and skills I exchanged before... Do you think it is...]

    I hesitated.

    The system barely came out.

    [Don't worry, wait for me to gnaw down the tough stubble of your identity first, it will be soon. 】

    I pinched my thin white fingers, feeling a little sad too.

    But I couldn't just find a corner to shut myself in like the system did, so I continued to lower my head to write event planning.

    This is due before get off work today.

    Damn it, when I was in high school, I didn't even participate in the planning, let alone writing.

    Who would have thought that a few years later, because of work, I would lose two more hairs when writing.

    Just as I was thinking hard, the position of my eyelids suddenly became hot, my eyes darkened, and someone covered my eyes.

    Unpredictable, I blinked a few times in panic.

    The hand that was covering me trembled slightly, but didn't let go.


    I quickly calmed down and put down the pen in my hand with a helpless expression.

    "You don't have to work?"

    - Is the world of conjuration finally over? Even Gojo Satoru doesn't have to go out on a mission.

    "Huh? You guessed it right."

    The hand covering my eyes loosened.

    "Among the people I know, you are the only one who can be so boring."

    Gojo Satoru pretended not to hear my muttering, turned around and picked out two bottles of iced drinks from the refrigerator.

    ——The small refrigerator was also bought by Gojo Satoru. It does not take up any space, and it is just right for desserts and drinks.

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