Arnav - Khushi,i am sorry please give me last chance

This is the last time I am asking you this
Please forgive me
Please, I love you
Trust me I love only you

Khushi - This is the last time I am asking you to leave me alone Arnav
LEAVE!!!", saying this she started crying on her fate

Next day

Arnav looked startled seeing Khushi outside his classroom
Worse timing when he is talking to Susan
One of the reason for their breakup

Sighing dejectedly, giving a smile she left saying talk to me when you are free

Arnav looked at the girl in front who was looking at him expectedly

Susan I need to go!!

He left without hearing her calls

Arnav - Khushi listen to me it's not what you think

Khushi - Arnav we are not together you can do whatever you want no need to explain it to me

Arnav looked at her face she again took him wrong
She always do that misjudge him

I am leaving Arnav
I came to say bye

Seeing him ready to interrupt,Arnav let me !!!

I am moving to newyork
Need to promote my album and many more things, I will come back but I want to finish this what you started

"This is for you ",
Your birthday gift , I won't be here
Arnav looked at her teary eyed,"Khushi listen to me I love you"

Arnav please don't!!!
I am tired
I want to end it on a good note
You were my friend
My best friend
I told you it will not work,but you didn't listen to me

It's ok, what's done is done

Let's end it

I am tired we dated for what eight months
We break each others heart
It was a mess

"You hate me "

Khushi smiled sadly he never understand her

"I told you Arnav , I could never hate you
You were my first genuine friend
I learned so much from you

I do want good for you as a friend I pray for you
I pray you achieve everything you ever wanted
Trust me you will
I know you
I have full faith

But as a lover , I can't forget everything
I told you it's hard for me I can't
But still I trusted you

Arnav please don't trouble me more ,

Arnav - Khushi listen to me , I love you damnit why are you not getting me
You love me
Why are you so judgemental Khushi ", not having any control he pushed her against the tree and kissed her when she tried to push him away he pushed away her hands and continues kissing her feeling something salty he broke away
Feeling breathless he looked at her who was looking hurt and angry
"How could you force me!!!"

Not knowing what to do anymore he screamed,"

You Are Not Even Ready To Listen To Me

"I sleep with someone else!!!"

Arnav stopped whatever he was saying he looked at her frozen

"No ,you are lying "

I sleep with someone, I am sure you watch the news where they say I was emotional I drank and the last I know I was on the bed with him

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