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Your order ma'am!!! Arnav called Khushi to gain her attention seeing her lost in thoughts he has been standing here for more than a minute realising she is not acknowledging his presence he himself initiated

Arnav You here??
Khushi get startled to see Arnav here ,she came here as she was wandering around she didn't thought she will see him here it's far from there area.

"Yes!", "I work here ,will you give me your order now!" ,Arnav knows something is definitely wrong her eyes her blue eyes looked red
"Wait what "!!!
"Blue ???"
"Didn't she had Black ???"
Arnav thought getting confused he remembers she had Black then how come they are blue today he was going to ask her than thought maybe latest fashion or something.

"I will have , Khushi got confused she was not going to order she was tired of walking continuously since morning so came here she is not hungry she hadn't eaten anything since yesterday still she is not hungry.

"Okay","let's cut the crap what happened to you and don't say nothing your eyes and face says Everything", Arnav knows she wouldn't open her mouth that easily but he is worried for the first time for someone outside his family than thought damm this love will surely make him go mad one day but isn't he already even though he decided he will stay away from her he always noticed her.

"Nothing" , Khushi said as she gets ready to leave

"You know you should let it out it will be good for you " hearing Arnav Khushi froze on the spot how did he knows did he know something

Look Khushi, I know something is bothering you I don't want to interfere in your personal matter but it will do you no good if you keep everything inside,"you know my maa says you should let it all out one way or another that suits you","you can talk to someone you feel comfortable with but keeping it inside is not good",

"My Amma used to say the same thing", hearing her Arnav looked up startled

"Mother's are same if I am not wrong yours is from India too than more similar", saying this he smiled which made her laugh

"Yesterday was my birthday, Arnav was going to wish her but stopped not wanting to disturb her
It's the first time my mother was not with me everything was same but nothing seems familiar it all felt fake, An year ago I thought I had everything didn't knew I had something to loose , we were dancing, laughing, singing we made plans I never thought hers would be this.
It was perfect after so long I was so happy I had everything i wished for, you know I was at the place everyone wanted to be I was so busy in myself I didn't notice I thought I have everything one minute than next I lost everything.
It was supposed to be the best day it turned out the worst,"and you know what was worst nobody told me anything what's happening to her and I like an idiot was singing dancing like I have won the world not knowing my world will leave me alone.
She left me she promised we will be together we made so many plans my dreams no our dreams it was not just mine it was hers too.
It feels like I wasted my time if they had told me I would have been with her not on stage. I would have stayed with her talked to her but nothing can be done now. They told me she will be fine it's nothing she will be fine they all lied.
When I came back everything was over, you know earlier it was money i worked my ass of so that she never had to do small jobs again I earned enough so that we both will live without any tension I had everything planned out if it work we will do this if it didn't we will do that but I guess hers were completely different from mine.....
She was my mother my best friend I never had friends she was my only friend..

Arnav looked at Khushi whose eyes were blood shot not even a single tear in them as she told him everything her face looks pale She is saying all this with a smile he has heard tears of happiness but smiling when you are in pain then it hit him she was afraid to loose to trust again, that's why she always stay away from people she didn't want to get attached to anyone again, she was betrayed by her loved ones when they didn't tell her about her mother's health if he put himself in her position if he would have never forgive them.
So if she is angry she is not wrong but than on second thought they did everything for her they knew she was happy her mother wanted her to be happy she still wants it .

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