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~ Rag haween ayaa kala hor mariya ~
It's the women who make some men succeed where others fail

In retrospect, Shermake wasn't sure where he got the rush of bravery from to attempt to talk Mandeeq down, but he truly wished that he could believe his own words

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In retrospect, Shermake wasn't sure where he got the rush of bravery from to attempt to talk Mandeeq down, but he truly wished that he could believe his own words.

He didn't expect their plan to blow up in their face, but the confident and collected nature of his pep talk was far from how he was feeling. He was feeling the water pressure, and unique claustrophobia of being trapped in a huge castle thousands of miles underwater, and the fear of not having a home to come back to at the end of all this. This has to work. He thought.

Truthfully, he was ready to double over and vomit. But instead, he assumed the role of the responsible adult as he had his entire life, and tried to be strong for the both of them. Because that's what men are supposed to do. I don't have to think that way anymore. I'm a human before a man, aren't I?

As he placed a solid hand on her shoulder, he tried not to let the tremors reach her, but apparently he'd failed in that mission. "You're not alone, too, you know." It was incredible how a small phrase could peel back his hard exterior, and make him feel so seen, and vulnerable. Shermake didn't know how badly he needed it. Of course she knew he was scared. Anyone would be in their situation, so why did he think he could be any stronger?

But that was just it, wasn't it? The warmth from her hand grounded him, and reminded him of a lesson he learned over and over through their adventure. He didn't have to be strong all of the time.

He let his hand fall to his sides, and took a deep breath as the guards ushered them into the bright council room. There were bright lights, brighter than they needed to be, and mermaids packed in pews. It looked more like a stadium than a court.

He could see Amana and their fathers to the right. Amana tried to smile for him, but her anxiety was evident even so far apart.

"You may begin to state your case."

A voice boomed, ricocheting off the endless walls.

"Convince us," a mermaid on the right said. "Why should we restore humanity after all the trouble they've brought to us?

Shermake opened his mouth to speak, but Mandeeq already beat him to it.

"My name is Mandeeq, from the Reer Hassan tribe," she began. There was a clearness in her voice that Shermake hadn't heard before, that put some of his fears to rest. She can do this. She's braver than you. "And you must let us return to our way of life before the Supermoon ends."

Shermake's head swivelled, and the fears came alive again. She continued.

"We weren't perfect people, and we never have been. But you can't expect us to adjust and accept this new way of life you've imposed on us."

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