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~ Geeljire geela waa wada jiraa, waana kala jiraa ~

when the camels graze together, each herdsmen keeps close to his own

 when the camels graze together, each herdsmen keeps close to his own

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Shermake tightened his grip on the dolphin, urging it to slow down as they approached the area where a clownfish said it saw some humans imprisoned. He couldn't believe he was letting fish guide his way through the deep sea.

Shock rendered him immobile as he witnessed young mermaids sitting atop a whale as it gently glided past him. They all had what looked like bags attached to their backs. Were they headed to school? He noticed their scales were all different colours, some much more vibrant than others. Are they all different classes? Curiosity ran through him as he continued to watch the mermaids.

If he didn't have to save his village, he would've gone around and asked every creature he came across some questions, revelling in their conversations and he loved the look of surprise on their faces when they realized he could understand them.

He also was able to tell their different accents. Yes, each fish had a different accent. It was a wild concept for him to understand but it made sense. If humans can have accents, why couldn't fish?

A humming noise captured his attention as a large snake slithered underneath him, paying him no mind. This underwater world would've been the perfect playground for someone like him but he was robbed of that job by his father and by the fact that he had to save his village.

Shame and guilt filled him as he thought about the sea creatures. They had homes and jobs. Families and friends. Just like him. He was perplexed as to the hate he felt when truly, they didn't do anything to him. Hate can be such a scary emotion. It's capable of blinding you and making you miserable. His father was a perfect example for that. He hating any show of vulnerability that he squashed it the second he witnessed it. Shaax's memory popped up in his head and his heart grew heavy. Maybe if he had pretended he couldn't speak to animals and ignored his gift like his father wished, things would've been different.

Shermake shook his head and continued swimming as there was no use in getting lost in his thoughts. He needed to focus. He needed to see his father.

The clownfish hadn't led them astray. True to their words. Shermake could see his father and uncle trapped inside what looked like a bubble, alongside the man he recognized as the village fruit shop owner. It was brightly lit with flowers placed in holders around the top of the bubble. Everyone was sitting on what looked like turtle shells. The material that surrounded them seemed to be stretchy but not tight. As if it could suck you right in.

"Father!" He heard Mandeeq excitedly yell as she maneuvered her dolphin to get closer to the bubble. Shermake quickly grabbed her elbow, urging her to stay behind him. He felt bad for her but they could not be caught by the guards. They were the last hope for their village.

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