Chapter 1: The Prologue to Misery

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We're trying third person limited pov, baby. I wish us all luck on this adventure.


Chapter 1: The Prologue to Misery

The usual tranquil peace of the living room was interrupted by the chaos that usual is limited to outside.

Chaos. That's what Julian would describe the life of a lower rank wolf, which is the entirety of the pack he is apart of. Ir, what they call a pack. He watches as his pack members shuffle in and out of the doors to prepare for an actual pack's visit. Depending on the packs status and values, these chores would be done by lower ranking wolves. Some packs count this as their omegas where others count this based on seniority and skill. Small rogue packs like Julian's barely have omegas, if any, and so they split tasks across everyone.

Being known for their connection to their wolves and nature, rogue packs spend most of their time outside. Inside is normally the place that is just for sleeping. Some smaller packs get lunped in with rogue packs, but where smaller packs have nice housing and tend to keep to themselves, rogue packs use whatever crumbling shelter they can find. The house and nuetral  territory they are on has been their home for a few years now, having been booted from the last three places as bigger and smaller packs look to expand their territoy. Another thing rogue packs don't have that smaller packs do, legal territory.

At this time of day the pack would usually all be outside training before dinner and followed by their Friday movie night in the lawn, but because a high ranking pack is coming they are rushing to present themselves as if they sit at the same table as other packs. A joke is what that is. They barely have rooms. 

He rolls his eyes as he sees his brother come through the door trying to answer four different people's questions. Silas and Julian share an older brother, shared an older brother. Despite the different parents, they were raised as siblings until Sila's parents moved into their own pack. When all hell broke loose, Julian was sent to them. He will never get used to the idea of Silas running the East Haven pack. In his mind, the other wolf is still the toddler who used to cry when Julian would leave to hang out with the other pack kids. In his mind, his little brother is just that, little. He can see the panic in his eyes from across the room. Si is getting overwhelmed. He's not a head alpha. He wasn't trained or built for the role. But someone has to run the rogue safe space packs.

"Hey, let the poor guy breath!" Julian hollers as he makes his way over to the crowd. "I'm sure you guys can answer your own questions. Everyone just needs to calm down. It's just another pack, no need to freak out."

Si sighs as he gives Julian a nod in thanks. The two walk to the head alpha's office through the crowd. "You and I both know this isn't just any visit."

"I know." Julian says, "But there's no need to panic and go so overboard. They get what they get for being so. . . hostile."

"Julian, you heard what elder Joe said, if they find our conditions lacking they can report us and put in a request to absorb us into other packs or lock us up!" Silas whispers as they walk into his newly appointed office.

"And if they find nothing they'll challenge us to a fight or force an arrangement where we submit and they get more power," Julian adds on. "It's a lose/lose situation for us, Si. You just turned eighteen. You are barely eligible to even be in charge. And no offense, but you have far less training then Zane Lakes."

They take a seat at the desk, one behind it and one in front. Julian stares at the kid behind the table. Alpha Lexus is supposed to be there. The two of them should be on the same side. But the former leader and alpha is gone and Silas was next in line, legal and fresh out of high school and taught by his father. And Julian? He's an omega. Despite them seeing him as equal and even special, they wont let him lead because of alphas like the Lakes.

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