"Hi, Jiji. My name is Elizabeth!" She waves and smiles a closed-eye smile

"Hello, darling. Meliodas! How could you keep this precious thing away from me for so long? Come, come, darling, give your Jiji a hug!" Alex smiles as she sees Elizabeth jump up out of her seat to run to her grandfather and give him a hug with a huge smile on her face. As they sit down to eat, Elizabeth stays with her grandad, and Alex and the Demon King conversate.

"So Belial, is it hard to run things down here?" He goes on to have a 5-minute conversation about how stubborn the people are. Meliodas smiles to himself, in the time he was gone it would seem his father had gone back to himself somewhat, he knew whatever was going on behind the scenes was still happening but at least he was putting on an act for the woman his son loved and his granddaughter, to not frighten them. When it's time for them to go Belial stops Meliodas, asking to speak in private, Meliodas tells Alex to go ahead and go talk to Zeldris, she obliges and walks off.

"I know you suspected something, something bigger beyond the demon realm, knowing everything happening with the goddesses I want to know how you knew she was good? How she wasn't just using you" Meliodas looks at him for a second, unsure how to answer because of past experiences, he had put up some sort of wall against his father, some sort of resentment? He doesn't know

"She let her guard down around me, I could feel the drop in her power as she approached me. She just wanted peace, and I felt that, I felt the exact same way. She listened to me and let me do what I needed to be completely comfortable around her in the first few months of living together. I could go on, father. The main thing was that she wasn't scared of me, she wasn't there to cause harm and you could feel it in her presence, she has the most relaxed auras you could ever feel, and that's just one of the things I love about her" he realized he's gone off topic and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, Belial looks as if he's taking all of the new information in, of course, his son wasn't wrong, anyone could tell she wanted peace by her aura, so he smiled.

"I'm glad, son" he patted his shoulder and both of them turned to watch Alex with Elizabeth, who was still talking with Zeldris, the two just glowed like a bright light, Alex noticed them watching and smiled a pretty closed-eyed smile, waving. Meliodas blushed bright and Belial laughed

"You two better get home before it gets too dark in the human world, though a day and some probably have passed already..."

"Yeah alright, Father" Meliodas walks and puts an arm around Alex's waist, as she holds Elizabeth's hand walking towards the door

"Bye, Jiji!" Elizabeth screams letting go of Alex's hand to wave

"Goodbye, Eli! I'll see you soon!" Yet this would be the last they see of each other in a long time.


Two sides. One less, one more. Guila and Howzer
stand on the side of protecting Diane.

"Platinum-ranked Holy Knight. In the face of this hopeless situation, what are your thoughts on our chances of victory? With our magical powers, those two behind us could get caught in our wake" Guila goes on to tell as a small 'don't come out' can be heard from Diane to Zeal

"That's not our only problem. We're about to go up against a Grand Master, a Cardinal, and a Diamond-ranked Holy Knight. Our odds of winning are zero" Howzer responds truthfully "But that won't stop me!" He tells swinging up his sword "Rising Tornado! A highly condensed tornado whose range is focused to the utmost! Guila! Pour every last drop of your magical power into my tornado!"

"Stop it, Guila! I'm your comrade, dammit!" Jericho screams

"Forgive me, Jericho. But I have no other option! Shot Bomb!" She screams as she explodes the tornado

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