38. God Of Possible

Start from the beginning

"Hello love," I replied.

He kissed the top of my head and glanced at Ace.

"Why are you here so early?" I asked.

"I thought I would go to church with you this morning," Peter said.

I nodded my head and started to get ready for church.

"Hey Ace," Peter acknowledged my friend.

"Hey," Ace waved and got up and slipped his shirt on.

Ace came over and kissed the top of my head and told me good bye. He said bye to Peter as well. Once he was downstairs, Peter turned towards me with curiosity burning in his eyes.

"What was he doing in here?" Peter asked me.

"Carter was being a pain last night," I said simply.

Peter nodded like he understood and we picked up a different topic. When I finished getting ready, we left and went down to the church house. Peter had been coming to our church for a couple months and everyone knew him by name and some people even knew his hobbies and asked him about how things with them were going. He had started practicing baseball and his first game was next week. Everyone had asked me when he stopped coming with me what had happened. I gave them the answer that he was going with his family, and they were satisfied.

The pain that his absence from life had disappeared. I was on top of the world once again and I knew that this is what was meant to happen. The things that Peter and I had gone through were only to make our bond stronger and better than it was ever before. While I knew it would take a while for that little grain of doubt in the back of my mind to go away, I could ignore it and let myself give everything I had to Peter. He was the one I was supposed to be with.

I felt it deeply in my soul as I watched him worship beside me. I opted out of singing this week, but I was in love with the song Amy and Shelby had picked. It was called "In Jesus' Name (God of Possible)" by Katy Nichole. It just spoke to me. I prayed for everyone to be saved. It is such a wonderful thing. 

I speak the name of Jesus over you

In your hurting, in your sorrow

I will ask my God to move

I speak the name 'cause it's all that I can do

In desperation, I'll seek Heaven

And pray this for you

I pray for your healing

That circumstances would change

I pray that the fear inside would flee in Jesus' name

I pray that a breakthrough would happen today

I pray miracles over your life in Jesus name, in Jesus name

I speak the name of all authority

Declaring blessings, every promise

He is faithful to keep

I speak the name no grave could ever hold

He is greater, He is stronger

He's the God of possible

I pray for your healing

That circumstances would change

I pray that the fear inside would flee in Jesus' name

I pray that a breakthrough would happen today

I pray miracles over your life in Jesus' name

In Jesus name

Come believe it

Come receive it

Oh, the power of His Spirit is now forever yours

Come believe it

Come receive it

In the mighty name of Jesus, all things are possible

I pray for your healing

That circumstances will change

I pray that the fear inside will flee in Jesus' name

I pray that a breakthrough

Would happen today

I pray miracles over your life in Jesus' name

I pray for revival

For restoration of faith

I pray that the dead will come alive in Jesus' name

In Jesus name

A/N: I know that all of us have our own things that we believe and that is totally ok. I won't judge you for that and I hope that you wouldn't judge me. I just wanted to say that each of you readers has someone who is rooting for you at all times. I am here for each of you at any time. If there is anything that you all need to get off your chest, anything that you think prayer would help, or just need someone to talk to, please know that I am here for you. You can reach out to me, and I will try my best to help you in any way possible. Xoxo Tay

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