12: Sick Babies

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More Littlespace In This Chapter, Sorry For Not Having Much of It, There Is More In Coming Chapters As Well

(1130 Words)

Jake and Sunghoon carried the other two inside. Sunghoon quickly helped Sunoo clean his nose with the help of Jungwon and Jay.

Jake carried the suddenly sleeping Heeseung upstairs to the room that they shared with Yeonjun and Hueningkai. He laid him on the bed and turned the fan on in the room. He placed a hand on his forehead and was happy to not feel a temperature.

He heard something in the hallway and opened the door to their room. Sunghoon was bringing Sunoo to their room, followed by roommates Niki and Soobin. What happened to them? Heeseung and Sunoo were fine until today.

He decided to stay in the room with Heeseung. There was no chance for him to leave his potentially sick member alone.

Meanwhile In The Other Room

Sunghoon was almost in a full panic attack as Sunoo had seemingly stopped being able to talk. Of course, Sunoo had a babyspace, but this felt different.

He was rocking him on the bed. The boy was staring at him and yawning. Jungwon came into the room and sat next to them.

"Is baby okay?"

"He will be.", Sunghoon said.

"Come on Wonie, let's go downstairs and let baby get some rest."

"But Binnie! I wan stay with baby!"

"You can stay with baby when he wakes up later okay?"

"Mmm, okay."

Soobin took Jungwon from the room. Niki gave Sunoo a kiss on the forehead and left as well.

For the next twenty minutes Sunghoon sat with Sunoo in his arms, falling asleep himself with the little.

Jake POV

Heeseung had woken up after about thirty minutes and was suddenly super clingy. He grabbed onto me and wouldn't let go. I ended up having to lay down next to him because he wouldn't let me get up.

"Hyung, how do you feel?"

"No-no good."

"What was that?"

"No good. *yawns* 'M sleepy."

Why did he sound like that? I just assumed it was because he was tired and left him fall back asleep. I texted Soobin for an update on Sunoo and he said he was asleep.

I heard laughter downstairs. I wanted to go down there and hangout with the other eight people but Heeseung was more important to me. As he was laying on me I opened my phone and went to YouTube. Tons of videos and stories were being release about us. From the incident at the practice hall to the time we went to the pool, people were talking.

Some were concerned about us all, seeing as they had no idea we were on vacation together, and some fans just thought Enhypen and TXT were in hiding. That's not entirely wrong actually.

While I was lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that the house had gone suspiciously silent. I was scrolling through TikTok and started to feel tired so I turned off my phone and went to sleep.

Downstairs however, things weren't as peaceful.

3rd Person POV

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