1: Another Baby?

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(923 Words)

Heeseung POV

I am way too young to be a parent. Not really, but when you are a caregiver to an energetic little such as Jungwon, it makes you rethink your life path.

Today we had a difficult day. We had a late performance that had been moved back a whole hour because of a scheduling mishap. Not only that, but we got up early today after being told at the last minute about our practice being an hour earlier.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as we got home, Jungwon went into little space.


"Hi Jungwon.", I replied.

"Can I have cookie?"

"Of course."

He smiled and ran to the kitchen. I was sitting in the living room, half asleep on the couch with Niki and Sunghoon on either side of me.

"Heeseung!", Jake yelled from the kitchen.


"Did you tell Jungwon he could have a cookie?"



I laughed to myself.

Sunoo came in the front door and put his bag down before hanging up his jacket. He looked tired, and I know I wasn't the only one who noticed.

"Sunoo, are you okay?", Niki asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to take a nap.", he replied.

"Good.", I started, "You need some rest. I heard you went back to the practice hall?"

"Yes, I did. I'll come back downstairs when I wake up."


I watched as he dragged himself up the steps. He's been working so hard lately and I was happy he was taking some rest. I saw Sunghoon staring in his direction.

"Do you think he's okay?", he asked.

"I hope so."

Just then, Jungwon walked back into the living room followed by Jake and Jay.

"Hyungies! I got two cookie!"

He proudly held his cookies in the air, making us all clap.

"Where Sunie? I show him cookie!"

"Sunie is taking a nap baby.", Niki answered, "He'll come back down soon."

Jungwon pouted before sitting in between Niki and I on the couch. We sat like that, with Jay and Jake on the ground in front of us for a while.

Jake POV

It had been around an hour since Sunoo went upstairs to take his nap. Normally I would leave him alone, but he looked tired, and possibly sick when I saw the image he sent to Jay earlier saying that he was at the practice hall.

I got up from the floor and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and decided to take it upstairs to Sunoo.

Walking into the room he shared with Jungwon and Niki, I placed the bottle on the table next to his bed. I noticed him squirming around with his eyebrows furrowed.

I reached down and patted his hair.

"Hey it's okay Sunoo. I'm here."

He sort of calmed down and stopped moving.

"You're adorable.", I smiled to myself.

To my surprise, he opened his eyes. He looked up at me from the bed, and that's when I noticed the tear falling down his cheek.

"Are you okay Sunoo?"

He slowly turned on his back and kept staring at me. He started crying even more and reached his hands up.

I wiped his eyes and happily picked him up from his bed. He placed his head on my shoulder and had one of his hands latched onto my shirt.

I thought it was cute.

"Aww. You must really be tired. You never do this."

He lifted up and looked at me, smiling.

"Da~ Da!"

"Hmm? Why are you talking like that?"

"Da! Da! Da!"

Then, everything clicked.

Him not saying anything when he woke up and just staring at me, him reaching out for me like Jungwon does when he's sleepy, always secluding himself in this room when he's upset and him letting me hold him on my hip-

Sunoo is a little!

"Baby you're a little?!"

He smiled and grabbed my hair.

I almost squealed in happiness. Another little! I left the room with him in my arms because I was excited to tell the other members.

We came down the stairs fast, alerting everyone on the couch.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long.", Jay said.

"Why are you carrying Sunoo?", Heeseung asked.

"Ma~ Ma! Ma!"

Everyone looked at Sunoo. Including Jungwon, who jumped up and ran to us.

"Is he little?! Like me?"

"Yes he is.", I replied, "We have another little!"

All the members got up and ran to us, wrapping us in a hug. Heeseung snatched him from me, carefully holding him.

"You're so cute! But you always are so that's not a surprise."

Sunoo grabbed Heeseung's nose, making us all laugh.

We brought him to the couch before I went to get him one of Jungwon's snack pouches from the kitchen pantry.

"You want this baby?", I asked.

He made grabby hands towards it and I opened it before giving it to him.

Sunghoon suggested that tomorrow we go to the store to get him some little space things, since we assumed he didn't have any.

Jungwon happily embraced his new "little" brother. For the next few hours we sat on the couch together as a group while Sunoo fell back asleep on Heeseung's lap, with Jungwon right next to him.

The whole time I was noticing Sunghoon's reaction. He was smiling, more often than usual. The fact that he even offered to get his little items for Sunoo meant a lot.

"Sunghoon, you seem excited.", I said.

"Of course. It's another little I get to spoil!"

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