3: Bad Practice

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I apologize ahead of time for the like four POV switches-

(1302 Words)

Heeseung POV

I had to help carry the abundance of packages back into the dorms. We all helped to organize the items, which ranged from bottles to onesies to stuffed animals.

After we were done, I helped Jay to get the littles to take a nap before practice. Hopefully they would already be out of headspace when they woke up.

"Ok who wants to sleep in my bed?", Jay asked.

Jungwon raised his hand. Sunoo just cuddled into me on the couch.

"Ok so Jungwon wins."

Jay sat down and motioned for Jungwon to sit on his lap, which he complied. They were in our recliner, which Jay often used until Jungwon fell asleep, and then carried him upstairs.

Sunghoon and Jake had figured out how to make bottles, and made one for Sunoo. I was holding it to him and rocking him slowly on the couch.

Niki walked in with a bag of chips and screeched at the cuteness.

"Ah! Two littles! Twice the cuteness! Why are they so cute when they're sleepy? How-"

I laughed at him as he sat down next to me. If anyone was whipped completely for these two already, it was Niki.

-17 Minutes Later-

Jake came downstairs with our practice bags.

"I packed them for us. That way they can have a little extra nap time and we can leave as soon as they wake up."

"Thanks man.", Jay said, "You've really been on it today."

"Well as the self-proclaimed new father to another little, I have to be."

He went back to his room, leaving the five of us in the living room. Sunghoon was already upstairs, presumably taking a nap himself.

After a while I looked down to see Sunoo sleeping. Very cute if I say so myself. I looked over to the recliner to see Jungwon fast asleep as well, with Jay noticing at the same time.

We both carried the littles upstairs. Since Niki shared a room with them, he went too.

After putting Jungwon in Jay's bed and Sunoo with Niki, we left the rooms.

"Hey Heeseung?"


"Can you help me and Sunghoon to keep an eye on Sunoo at practice today?"


"Thanks. I don't want him to overwork himself. I know adult Sunoo is probably still in that mindset."

I made a mental note to look out for Sunoo at practice before entering my room to take a nap myself.

Sunoo POV

I was woken up by Jungwon. I laid there for a second, feeling like several vehicles had hit me. I was staring at the ceiling when Jungwon asked me a question.

"Are you still little?", he asked.

"No. I'm guessing you're not either?"

"Nope. We have to go to practice."

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