Chapter Thirteen - I Survived Summer

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As we were getting ready to leave my phone started ringing. "It's my mom." I looked at Noah.

"What?" He spoke. "I'll be back." I told the group.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone.

"Hey honey, how are you?" She spoke in a soft voice.

"I'm good mom, what's going on?"

"I'm taking you back home Isadora."

I froze. I wanted to go home yes, but I had a life here now, I don't know if I was ready to go back.


"Hey, sorry, I don't know if i'm ready to go."

"I know honey, but it's time. I was speaking to my therapist and she said that it would be beneficial for us to re-connect. And there's only one week left of summer left."

"Mom I-"

"Just think about it okay?"

"Yeah, okay sure."

"I love you."

"I love you too mom."

I walked back to the group looking at the floor as I walked "She wants me to come back home."

"Oh.." They said looking down. "Noah?" I looked at him. He was quiet, just looking at the floor.

"Oh um yeah no that's cool, you should go." He looked at me. I stared at him confused. "So you don't care if I leave?" I asked upset.

"Nah it's cool." He shrugged. "Are you serious?" I asked with hurt in my voice. "Isadora he doesn't mean it he's just tired that's all." Arlo grabbed his shoulder. "Right, exactly." Luka agreed looking at me.

"No it's fine, I get it." I grabbed my board and walked away.

"What the fuck Noah?" Mal spoke.

"Isadora wait!" Mal yelled towards me. "Just let her go Mal, she needs space right now." Olive spoke with a sad tone.

She was right. I did need space.

I pulled out my phone and called my mom letting her know that I was on board to go. I got in the house and started packing. My mom was picking me up tomorrow afternoon.

"Honey..what are you doing?" Lucy asked concerned. "Packing." I cried.

"Isadora, hey come here." She came to me with open arms. "No it's fine I just um..I just need to pack because my mom is coming tomorrow."

"I know, she called me." She stood there with her arms now crossed. I was about to say something until I heard the door and I assumed it was Noah.

I saw him and he just walked passed my room into his shutting the door.

"Lucy, thank you so much for letting me stay here. I appreciate everything you and Cory have done for me." I smiled at her wiping my tears.

"Oh honey." She smiled, a tear falling down her cheek.

I hugged her and she left, leaving me to pack.

The girls texted and I let them know I was fine.

Everything was moving so fast. We all got so close in such a short amount of time and honestly I can say that they were the best friends I've ever had, probably better than my friends back in New York.

Little shits. We texted every now and then, but less and less the more time I spent away.

We texted a lot in the beginning by then I guess I got busy with my new life here.

I finally finished packing putting my hair into a ponytail and putting on my pajamas finally laying down in bed.

I thought about Noah. The way he made me feet, and all the time I spent with him.

I started to cry again, but only a little this time, because I realized that I didn't need anyone to be happy. Especially not some stupid teenage boy.

I just needed me. I only need me.


I woke up at 8:30. My mom was supposed to be here at 9:00.

I didn't need to get ready since we were going on a plane and everything so I brushed my hair and put on some sweats.

I didn't leave to have breakfast because I didn't want to see him.

I think I kinda almost hated him.

I waited on my phone casually texting my mom here and there until finally getting the text.

The "i'm here" text.

She walked in and I heard her ask where I was. She knocked and walked in. "Hi, baby."

"Hey mom."

She walked over and gave me a hug. "I missed you, you know that?" She squeezed me. "I missed you too mom."

"Lucy told me you didn't eat breakfast. Want to stop somewhere before we leave?" She asked me putting my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah." I smiled. I was starving, I honestly think I could eat anything at this point.

"Okay, do you have everything?" She asked me looking around the room.

"Yes." I answered. "Alright, let's go say bye." She said getting up and grabbing one of my bags.

I followed behind her and we got out of the room.

We said bye to everyone- well not everyone, and walked out.


We got to the airport after stopping somewhere to eat and while we were leaving I heard my name.

"Isadora wait!"

I turn around and I saw him.


He ran up to me and kissed me. "I couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye." He held my face. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, i'm such an idiot and i'm sorry, I acted like I didn't care. I'm sorry Isadora, i'm so sorry."

I grabbed his wrists and looked at him with teary eyes. "I know. I know, it's okay."

"Don't go." He pleaded. "I have to Noah, I need to get back to my old life." I looked at him as the tears began to fall.


He kissed me again and I felt another tear fall, but not from my eye. His.

"Goodbye 'New York'." He chuckled. "Bye 'surfer boy'." I laughed.

And he left. I looked at my mom and she hugged me. "You'll see each other again. If it's meant to be you will." She kissed me head.

"Maybe, or maybe not. Either way I think I'll be okay." I smiled assuring myself.

"Alright let's go." My mom smiled, and we began walking.

Surviving SummerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon