Chapter One - Moving Day

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"Mom there is no way in hell that I am going to California!" I yelled.

"Maybe if you weren't so terrible I wouldn't feel the need to send you Isadora!" My mother yelled back.

"Did you ever stop and think that maybe i'm so terrible because you're a bad parent?" I continued to yell. It's true, I felt that way about my mother. Maybe if she paid more attention to me instead of her job I would be better.

My mother stopped for a second before continuing our argument. "You are going and that's final." She spoke calmly but firmly before walking away into her room.

"Damnit." I muttered under my breath.

It was finally summer and I was being forced to live with people I didn't even know.


I went into my room and began packing. I was leaving in two days. Ugh.

After I finished packing one suitcase I grabbed another and began to fill that one.

As I packed I thought about how my life would be in California, and thinking about leaving New York for California made me want to die.

Two days later.

My mother and I were on our way to the airport. The car ride was silent because we still haven't made up since our last argument.

Me and my mother had a very complicated relationship. All we ever did was argue and the times we didn't it was because I was out of the house or we weren't speaking.

I'm not happy about leaving New York but maybe it's a blessing in disguise because me and my mom definitely need a break from one another.

We finally got to the airport and I walked out of the car grabbing my suitcases without saying a word to her.

I was on the plane looking out the window praying this was all some sort of fucked up dream.

It wasn't.

The plane finally landed.

I was walking when I saw a huge "WELCOME ISADORA" sign with two parents and their daughter.

Fuck me.

I put a small smile on my face as they greeted me. The woman's name was Lucy her husbands name was Cory and her daughters name was Leila. "Oh my goodness you are gorgeous, you look so much like your mother." Lucy touched my face softly.

I thanked her and we walked out of the airport into their car.

I hated being compared to my mother. She was everything I didn't want to be.

On the car ride to their house Leila talked my ear off about anything and everything. She reminded me of me when I was a child.

"Do you like surfing?" She asked. "Not really." I replied honestly. My mom tried to get me to like it when I was young because she used to surf but I never cared enough to do it.

Did I mention that my mother used to live in California? She was an amazing surfer and she had a friend group that consisted of the two strangers I was living with now.

Before going to their house we stopped at the beach to see their oldest son. His name was Noah I think.

When we got to the beach we all got out of the car and began making our way towards a group of teenagers that looked around my age.

Three boys and two girls, and they all had surfboards in their hands.

"Noah!" Lucy called out. Then the boy with dirty blonde hair looked at her with the nicest smile I have ever seen.

He began walking towards us and for some odd reason I was getting nervous.

"Hey guys." He hugged them all and then he looked down at me.

"You must be the New Yorker." He spoke amused. "That's me." I said back.

"Yes, so please be kind and show her around Noah." Cory spoke as he put a hand on Lucy's back.

"Isadora would you mind staying here with Noah and his friends for a little while Cory and I run a few errands?" Lucy smiled hopeful.

I did not want to stay but I smiled and said "Sure, that's fine." I didn't want to unpack yet so I was happy about that.

Lucy smiled and walked away.

I wasn't even in beach attire. I was wearing sweatpants and a black long sleeve crop top.

"So do you surf?" Noah asked me. "No." Was all I said back.

He was going to say something else before his friends all came rushing towards us.

"Does Noah have a girlfriend?" The brown haired boy with small blonde highlights spoke. "No dumbass, this is the New Yorker my parents are taking in." Noah spoke as he shoved the boy.

He looked at me with a "Oh yeah, my friend told us about you" look.

"I'm Luka." He smiled. "Isadora" I said back.

"Hi! I'm mallory but you can call me mal for short." The girl with blonde hair and blue eyes spoke excitedly. "Hey." I smiled

"And i'm Olive." The girl with really light brown hair spoke with more calmness than her friend next to her.

I smiled at her and then the last boy with dark curly hair spoke. "I'm Arlo, nice to meet you Isadora." He flashed a big smile.

"Nice to meet you Arlo." I smiled too.

"Alright well you're all introduced now so I am going to surf." Noah spoke with a hint of annoyance.

"Count me in bro." Luka said. "Me too man." Arlo chimed in.

They all left but Mallory or Mal and Olive stayed with me.

"Idiots." Olive spoke. I laughed.

"So what brings you here?" Mal asked. "My mom." I replied.

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