Chapter 42: Mortemville, Montana 1988 April 23rd

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"I promise I'll be back as soon as I can," I said gently, "We can do whatever you want."

Steve wrapped his arms around me and chuckled, "Goddamn, just be my boyfriend already if you keep saying shit like that."

I returned his laughter and smiled happily, "I kinda like that idea." He kissed me again and embraced me tightly. I held onto him, with every inch of my being feeling complete and satisfied. It felt nice being wanted again but wanted in a way that wasn't for my body or because people felt obligated to care for me and keep me around. I was wanted because someone genuinely enjoyed my company and I made them happy. It was a new feeling but it was a feeling that felt better than any other triumph I could possibly achieve.

Eventually, I had to let Steve go so I could leave. I didn't want to but I knew Steve had to leave for work soon so I had to. We shared yet another tender kiss and said goodbye to each other before I eventually turned into a raven and flew out the open window. I felt empty again because I was leaving, however, at the same time, I still felt excited and happy because Steve and I were no longer "just friends". We were a couple and that fact was hard for me to wrap my head around.

My good mood gave me a bit more confidence to be able to get to Max without much trouble. I told myself that if he hadn't improved during the months I was in the hospital, I would see if he still wants to get away from Rosewood and I would try helping him run away for a second time if he wanted to leave. I knew it would be risky to try it a second time but it's not like I can run away with him in a car and lead a high-speed police chase through the woods again. We could easily slip away into the woods in the night and never be seen again.


When I arrived at Rosewood, everything was quiet and peaceful; the only sounds that could be heard were the sound of the wind in the trees and the birds chirping among their branches. I circled the building a few times, searching for any open windows I could slip through to get inside. I couldn't find any, to my dismay, so I begrudgingly headed to the front of the building to go in through the front.

I landed not too far from the steps and turned back into my usual self. I was a little anxious about having to go in through the front because the Lockwoods could easily hear the door opening and closing from wherever they were, but I had to get in somehow. I made my way towards the porch with a sense of confidence in order to help me get in with no issue.

However, just before I could take my first step up, The door opened and Daniel came wandering out, with his eyes glued to a piece of paper in his hands. My confidence immediately drained as I instinctively froze in my spot out of fear and stared at the man. Every single alarm was blaring in my brain and I wanted to make a run for it but I knew it was too late.

Daniel caught sight of me in his peripherals and he quickly looked up to see what shape was standing at his porch steps. Our eyes met and suddenly everything became dead silent around us. We both had similar, dumbstruck, confused expressions and I'm sure we had similar thoughts in our heads as well. He seemed to be struggling to process how I was standing there staring at him and I didn't blame him. I'm sure the police told him that I was catatonic and basically useless to society and now here I was, as perfectly normal as I was before, save for a nasty scar on my face and head.

We stared for a long while, it seemed, before Daniel finally stammered out a couple of weak words, "Uh-... how-... what? How the hell are you here?"

"Um... I flew here," I responded, unsure of how to feel about the situation. I knew I was already fucked, there was no denying that but I just wasn't expecting to be this fucked so soon so I didn't know how to feel.

"The-... The police said..." he spoke, his voice weak and whispery from the shock that he was in.

"Yeah, I know- that I was a vegetable. Clearly, I'm not," I answered him. Daniel continued to stare in disbelief, overcome by millions of questions that only continued to grow in number. I didn't give him a chance to answer all of his questions, mostly because if I did, then he'd be able to tell the police where I am and they'd find me.

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