Chapter 5: Somewhere in the skies of England, 1977

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It was nearing sunset, and I'd almost given up hope of finding Will. I've searched what seemed like everywhere, and I've encountered many ravens that seemed like Will but were really just angry birds fighting for food and mates.

I was about ready to decide where to make a nest and try to figure things out on my own without Will... but the thought of dying because I did something absolutely stupid kept me flying on for several more minutes, and to my absolute relief and good fortune, my strenuous flying paid off.

"Edgar!!" a voice called behind me. I turned my head and, to my relief, saw a familiar large raven rushing towards me. I called back out of relief, "William!" The raven circled above me for a few moments before slowing down and proceeding with a steady cruise next to me.

"This bin some coincidence or am I just cursed with ya now?" William chuckled with a widened look in his eyes, which I presumed was a raven look of shock.

"I don't know but I'm kinda glad it happened" I admitted. I tried to seem genuinely happy to see him- and I was- I just wasn't able to fully feel it because of my current state of mind.

"Yeah... oi, no 'ard feelin's bout the buzzard thing, right? I just couldn't keep up with 'im, I'm not as young as I was anymore," Will explained half-heartedly. Part of me didn't see him as actually sincere when he spoke. Maybe it was mostly because of how light-hearted his tone was even though I could've very easily died when Hawky captured me and he would've just flown away for his own life. But then again, I couldn't exactly hold him to that because I didn't expect him to be attached to me after only two-ish days. He wasn't required to put himself in danger to save my idiot self but it sure is nice when he does.

"It's okay" I answered eventually.

"What 'appened? 'Ow did you get outta there?" he asked and my stomach dropped uncomfortably. I was so glad I was covered in feathers in that instant because otherwise, he would've watched my face go deathly pale.

"Luck, I guess. He's much older and bigger than I am," I answered dismissively. I thought I was doing pretty well, but I guess my tone sounded much different to Will.

"Somet 'appened, boy, tell me!" he pressed, to which I hesitated for a while to think of something that would get him to leave me alone. Finally, I just landed on, "I'm a little shaken, I can tell you when I feel calmer." It was the best I could come up with and, frankly, I was pretty relieved because Will nodded and dropped the subject.

"What was the place you were telling me about? Before the buzzard snatched me?" I wondered, feeling my stomach growl from the hunger I hadn't yet fully satisfied. William cooed approvingly and closed his eyes as if remembering something pleasant.

"Right! The buffet! I'm 'ungry as well, smart thinkin', boy," He praised, "Follow me, it's this way," he continued, flying off to his right. I followed although I lingered behind slightly, still hearing the faint screams of Hawky in the back of my mind. I was hoping food could get my mind off of this but I knew it was only temporary. I'll never get over this. I thought to myself.


We arrived at an all-you-can-eat buffet around nightfall. I sat on a windowsill, eagerly peering in whilst William awaited me below for information on what I saw inside.

"The tables are unguarded. There are a few people getting food but other than that, it's clear," I said down to Will. Will cawed in approval as I jumped back down to the floor.

"Now all we need to do is get inside," Will stated happily, mentally savouring the tastes of the many foods inside. I cooed in agreement; I was extremely hungry, I haven't eaten a real meal in several days and I was very much looking forward to it. I've been living like a real bird, relying on hand-caught rodents and the scraps of garbage to keep me alive. My stomach felt like it belonged to a child on the streets.

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