The First Marker and Secret Service

Start from the beginning

KGV: I see.... But you can rest here as much as you like. This is your home, after all. Cold, damp, and miserable.

Wales: Thanks! Oh, and before I forget, do we have a dorm for Enterprise to stay in?

KGV: Yeah, it's just beside yours.

Enterprise: Thanks, Georgie.

KGV: Anytime.

Wales: Enterprise, sleep early cus we must arrive there at dawn.

Enterprise: Sure, Wales.

(5:00) the Denmark Strait

Hood: Are you sure this is the place?

Enterprise: I'm sure we just need to wait.

Wales: How can you be so sure?

Enterprise: It just feels like it ok!

Suddenly they were engulfed in a storm.


Enterprise: I DON'T KNO--

(Memory Synchronization complete)
Good morning Enterprise.
(Two participants detected) Scanning....
(Direct descendants of UNBS Wales and UNBS Hood)
You will all be spectators in this synchronization.
(Warning attempted breach detected)
(Two new participants' direct descendants of KMS Prinz Eugen and KMS Bismarck)

30 minutes ago

Bismarck POV

We investigated some unknown Azur Lane activity after intelligence reports that Grey Ghost is here in the Atlantic. We were a bit curious about why the Grey Ghost is out here.

Eugen: Lord Bismarck, we're closing in.

Bismarck: Better be prepared for anything who knows what the Grey Ghost is doing here.

Bismarck: Ok, we're here. Now, where are they?

Before Prinz can even come up with a response, they were suddenly engulfed in the same storm the Azur Lane shipgirls got caught up in. A large wave can be seen approaching the duo.

Bismarck: Scheisse!


(???) ???

Wales: Guhhhh....Where are we...?

Hood: Wales, are you okay?!

Wales: What....Happened...?

Enterprise: *cough* *cough* Is everyone alright?

Bismarck: Ja.

Enterprise: Wait...BISMARCK!!!


Before they could even fire at each other, they heard shells screaming in the air.

Eugen: In Deckung gehen!!!


Eight shells came in from the southwest before another salvo, this time replied with ten shells. They all looked where they came from, and they were shocked to see what, at first, they think are their ships turned out to be the same but different. Said ships sported a Union Jack with a hammer and sickle in the middle, the same description the Dragon Empery shipgirls gave.

Hood: Are those our ships?

Enterprise: No, look at their flag.

Wales: Could it be...?

As soon as they thought of the answer, both ships turned into thousands of Wisdom Cubes. After the process was finished, the Royal Navy shipgirls looked at them like they were staring at themselves in the mirror. The two shipgirls started to charge in their direction. As they prepared their weapons, they realized they didn't even notice them.

The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now