Chapter 13 Seventh Ancient Language

Start from the beginning

After 1 month Paul contacted her with a letter which was delivered by a weird looking bird. It contained only three words Send the goods. Selene who had already prepared the crystals immediately sent them to him with Fenrir acting as the deliveryman. Then Selene informed by him that the arrangement is for her to send the crystals fortnightly. That's how the transaction between Paul and Selene has been going on for the past two months.

Now that she had enough money, Selene decided to move to the next part of plan that was to start her own independent business. After a lot of thinking Selene categorized her steps into three categories one was to get rich without her father, second to get strong and third of course was to try her best to avoid all the death flags. After doing some research she finally found the perfect idea to start a business without much investment. That was to make magical appliances. Why was it so ideal for her? Simple because she had the main two materials required to start it, that is crystals and ancient magic.

In fact, Selene read that half the magical appliances around in present were invented after the re-discovery of ancient magic that was 50 years ago. Even now after so much research on ancient language only a very small part of it has been uncovered yet and is applied properly. It is an area with a lot of potential but since no one has the proper skills and resources to exploit it, it's not that popular except among mages who know it value. Selene laughed delightfully thinking of the money she would earn if her idea succeeded.

Anna who was cleaning the table after the breakfast cringed away from her seeing the scary face she was making while she was laughing. She wondered what Selene was thinking to make her laugh so scarily. What Anna didn't know was that this was Selene's normal laugh, Anna cleared her throat which snapped Selene out of her fantasies.

"It's time for you to go to Mage Val's classes milady." Anna said.

"Right, Fenrir please bring my books needed for today." Today was the day when Val would be telling her and Alex about ancient languages. After days of convincing him that it is a subject important for kids like them he finally agreed for today.


"I could do that too....." Anna mumbled beside her.

"Hmm? What did you say?" Selene who didn't hear her words properly asked looking up.

"Nothing." Anna replied glaring secretly at Fenrir.

"Thanks" Selene said as Fenrir handed her the books " 'kay I will be going then."

"Hope you have an enjoyable lesson today." 

Selene reached the library and opened the door to see Alex sitting on one of the chairs in front of the blackboard which was put up for their classes. Her and Alex's relationship had improved a lot since she had saved both of them from the hyena monsters. Although Alex was a bit skeptical about Selene not revealing her magical awakening to the duke, he did not probe about it once Selene showed her reluctance to talk about it.

"Late again?" Selene asked.

"Yeah, should take few more minutes to drag his lazy ass in here." Alex replied with a disdainful expression on his face.

As Alex had predicted five minutes later after Selene sat beside Alex the door of the library opened again and Val entered dragging his feet, dark circles loomed beneath his bleary eyes. He stood in front of them as he yawned deeply.

*Yawn* "I'm sorry" He opened his book and said," Today we will be reading the magical history and magnus empire's foundation story."

"As you know, Magic in our empire is used for variety of purposes including all the daily activities, defense, travel etc. But do you know that just 40 years ago a lot of the magic facilities that you are seeing now we're not there?"

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