Idea #26 : This World Deserves Better

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All it takes is one bad day to reduce the most sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one Bad Day.

- Joker

Izuku : Heh....hehe...... Was it too late?

The rain was raging on as we look at a young boy with green hair standing over another boy. That other boy has his face dipped into water as it seems he was not even breathing. The storm and wind continues to howl across the night as the green haired boy can't help but smile.

Izuku : You asked for it.... right? You always did to me.

His face showed signs of regret but it soon faded away by nothing but a big smile like he was very happy about it. He then proceeds to sit next to the dead body as the rain continued to hit his body as his hair covered his eyes. He then proceeded to laugh manically as he brought his face looking at the sky as he was being drowned in madness.

 He then proceeded to laugh manically as he brought his face looking at the sky as he was being drowned in madness

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 He then proceeded to stand up as he stepped on the head of the boy repeatedly as he continued to taunt him.

Izuku : What *maniac smile* You always said you're the best but you got killed by a nobody how funny was that.

He just continued what he did as rain drops proceed to come out of his eyes as he didn't care if they were there as he continued to stomp on the boy's head. He then stopped as a man covered in red proceeds to come out of an alleyway. He looked at the green haired boy as all he saw was just someone who lost it.

Even though the scene is playing out earlier he didn't stop him as he just showed him a neutral face confusing Izuku to what was going on.

??? : You *points his finger* How are you feeling right now?

HIs question confused the broccoli boy more as he just asked a question out of nowhere. Izuku however put his hands in his pocket as he looked at the man looking depressed before he answered.

Izuku : Happy that he's gone he treated me like shit, boasted himself, saying he's the best..... but he died to someone who's quirkless all cause he let his guard down. *smirks* It just makes me insane thinking about that but alas he's gone and that feeling faded as well.

??? : 'This boy really went through some shit to get to here...... goes to show on how corrupted this world is. It makes me want to pillage it even more' Hmm you, follow me we got work to do. *proceeds to walk away*

Izuku : Hmm? What do you mean? *Questioning face*

??? : What else *looks back at him* We have to show this world how corrupted it really is. *Smirks* You in?

Izuku : .... *smirks* Oh count on me I'm fucking in.

??? : Name's Stain and I believe we will be working well together.

Izuku : Heh though its could only be the name you inhabit, Hero Killer Stain, Izuku Midoriya is my name but considering now

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Izuku : Heh though its could only be the name you inhabit, Hero Killer Stain, Izuku Midoriya is my name but considering now...... its dead.

Stain : Then what do you exactly want to call yourself?

Izuku : *chuckles* I think an appropriate name is better for when I'm with you...... hmm how about Erebos (エレボス) 

 hmm how about Erebos (エレボス) 

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Stain : .... fits well, I'm counting on you ....Erebos.

Izuku : Don't worry *smirks* I'm more than dependable.

Stain : Then you better fucking show it cause our work starts today.

Izuku : Hehe ay ay captain.

Stain : Hehe you kids just know ways to be scarier everyday.

They both then proceeded to walk away from the scene leaving the body on the ground as it started to bleed.... but it somehow leaked something dark within as we looked at the boy's face to see his face looking so grim like he saw something he shouldn't have seen.

Beyond that lies someone else who was standing in front of the dead body... their boot was shadowing the the ground behind them as they looked at the dead body with the camera slowly panning to the face of that person. 

As it rises we can see the figure to actually be a female who was wearing an outfit almost like she's a nun from a church but designed in her own style. As it goes up more we can even see a scythe strapped to her back as we see a veil covering her hair as she was also wearing a crown. Her pink eyes shine the skull symbol embedded onto the eyes.

 Her pink eyes shine the skull symbol embedded onto the eyes

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??? : Well isn't that interesting...... it seems someone was born from this pile of madness I am feeling. This world was already beyond redemption...... cause of that everyone I have was gone leaving me by myself..... *chuckles* I'll be waiting for what is yet to come.

 After all I am working as the Grim Reaper.

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