Idea #10 - It doesn't matter what I see my Vision won't Change

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Peace..... thats what they all say.

??? : From now on we are at a time of peace and we will always be

??? : Theres no more wars right now we can experience peace.

??? : From today and till the future we will no longer engage in war this is our step towards true peace.

There was always times and places of peace but in the end there is always a time and place for war. Fights can't be avoided, peace can't be maintained forever. We are in a loop of eternity where everything keeps repeating itself.

Then theres love to which people say is something to cherish all kinds of love. But thats only a mask of lie to the manipulator. I seen it all..... mask of lies of what they say is love.








They are all just that. No one can really experience love. Not even the young boy of the age of quirks.

We are now on a roof of a building as someone was sitting down looking over the horizon with one leg up and the other just hanging of the edge. He has a bunny mask on the side of his head with his green fluffy hair. He was wearing what appears to be Tokugawa-era type of clothing from Japan.

 He was wearing what appears to be Tokugawa-era type of clothing from Japan

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??? : So its already been that long huh?

He looked up into the clear blue sky as he then said what can said as a poem.

??? : The sky seeps as the ever lasting ocean,

           In all of time is one to my devotion,

           Can leaves still fall in this time of age?

           Old friend I hope you still are at peace.

The boy said that and smiled at the sky with his eyes shining a bit in color. His emerald eyes also shine along with a weird accessory on the right of his clothing. The color is somewhat white with no color in them. It was like it was made to not know what its true color could be.

??? : Deep thoughts as they say Izuku just keep living on. I don't really see a point of doing this but I feel curious on how this world would do.

The boy we now know as Izuku now stood up as he looked over to the whole city of Japan. He smiled to himself as he thought of how much changes this world has met when he was waiting for any type of peace.

??? : After constant wars it seems its already been over 60 years of the last big war. Well time to move *puts on his mask*

After Izuku put on the mask his accessory on the side of him suddenly changed color. It now formed a purple color as it made a shape appear in the middle of a tri side shape.

 It now formed a purple color as it made a shape appear in the middle of a tri side shape

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As it did electric particles seem to spark the air. It hits the ground around him as it started to appear more revealing the color to be also purple. As it did the boy then vanished leaving a trail of dust with a few sparks on the ground.

He was apparently far in the air above the ground as he looks above the city admiring its view. He knows his body will start to fall so his accessory shined again revealing another tri-shape with it revealing wings.

 He knows his body will start to fall so his accessory shined again revealing another tri-shape with it revealing wings

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When it did the air around him suddenly started to swirl underneath his feet with him standing on with no problems. He was levitating above the ground as he smiled behind the mask. He then blasted off again with the air with him flying across the skies.

Izuku : Hmm well Japan did change a lot ever since when it was first called Inazuma. I was mostly wandering the other countries that the last pit stop of my journey to here seems to be nostalgic.

As he was flying he was even doing tricks as he flew around more and more.

Izuku : But it will all end soon *smile fades*

As it did Izuku's eyes suddenly lost a bit of color before regaining it.

Izuku : It will just repeat its mistakes. We won't have a choice and sooner or later war will happen. I normally would've let it be as another mistake but right now *eyes shine brighter* I want to help this time around and I don't know why. The wind may have picked up something weird that makes me want to do it.

He then stopped moving as he was still levitating above the sky as he was still looking over Japan. As he was looking down he didn't realize someone was behind him flying with their wings spread out.

??? : Look who finally decided to come here.

Izuku turned around only to be met with a girl with long orange hair with one strand being yellow. Her horns were seen along her tail which was made of scales.

Izuku : Well seems to be after so long you're still here Dvelana.

??? : Ahh don't call me that I have my own name now its Coco Kiryu hehe *smiles*

Izuku : Well you seem to doing ok while I was gone.

Coco : And I'm not the only one who waited. Some of my friends seem interested in meeting you also *flies and whispers* She's waiting for you.

Izuku widened his eyes before he started to sweat a bit as his mouth suddenly did a nervous and unsure smile.

Izuku : I-I do-don't think i-its a go-good tim-time right n-now.

Coco : Too late she sensed your presence and shes after you now *smirks*

Izuku was now more scared as he started to shake before he hears thunder strikes around the area as he was now meeting his old fiancé. He did escape her before but since he's back he knew he can't escape. The figure then was on a building smiling while looking at Izuku.

??? : Looks like my honey is finally back~ 

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