Idea #4 - Becoming stronger my own way (Published)

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We see a young boy looking at a blue screen in front of him. He was swiping his hand up and down as he was looking through everything that he got in the dungeon.

Izuku : Well that seems to be everything

When he thought he was safe growling sounds were heard nearby. His eyes moved along as well locating the source of the voice to be a pack of Mowolves staring at him with the sight of seeing a prey. It's mouth was even salivating from looking at him that the wolves look like dogs from getting wet.

Izuku : Just when things couldn't get worse you showed up *summons his gauntlets*

His gauntlets were shining with the color of green and black as they were then shown to have sharp ends on it.

Izuku : I already have my own dog to take care of I have no more space for another adoption.

He giggled to himself from making that remark before charging at the wolves charging at him. Their jaws open ready to feast on their prey while Izuku is looking at them with concentration.

A few moments later we see Izuku having a blue screen again in front of him swiping up and down.

Izuku : And that's that the boss room should be up ahead now since I cleared most of the weaker enemies and leveled up a bit.

He then continue his walk as he walks across the hallway. While doing so he then imagine himself after completing the dungeon. What would he do if he finished, how would his lovers take it when they heard he was taking a risk of death, what would the chances be if he dies and his lover would be waiting for him.

He shook his head freeing that though from his head.

Izuku : No don't think like that Izuku. I'll destroy this dungeon and go back, have fun with the girls and even enjoy my moments with them *smiles*

He then remembered himself from before this whole thing happened.


We see a young Izuku on the floor bruised and injured, when we look at what Izuku is facing we see a young boy who has a demonic smile on his face and was staring at Izuku.

??? : HAHAHA and what are you going to do Deku you're just a quirkless freak who has purpose here.

Izuku : Th-that's not true I know I have a pur-purpose and I won't st-stop.

??? : tch so much for me trying to stop you let me say something. *crouches down* let this be in your head Deku as much this keeps going you won't get stronger, you will be just be weaker and weaker as I keep getting more ahead. Quirkless can't get stronger no matter how much they train. Hell even if you find a way to get stronger you won't be able to match the power of the villains *laughs*

Izuku just stared at Izuku with tears in his eyes, he was holding a sad face on him but it slowly scrunches up before looking at the kid.

Izuku : Even if I keep getting weaker *stands up*

??? : Huh?

Izuku : Even if I can't get stronger *walks toward him*

His face then changes from one of sadness to one of determination and anger.

Izuku : THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO SAY IM A WEAK PERSON HAAAA *punches the kid straight in his face*

Flashback End

Izuku was thinking about that before realizing his eyes were watering a bit, he wipes it away in a hurry to get rid of the shame of looking at the past.

Izuku : It's all in the past now.... It's different than before....... Kacchan

Izuku then see a door up ahead of him as he then slowly walked to it. He summons his gauntlet and started saying these words out loud.

Izuku : System, activate speedster, critical stack, iron blood and pure fighter.

??? : Understood and activated.

Izuku then went up to the door before he slowly pushed it making the door opens itself. It slowly opens itself revealing a a giant scorpion that had what seems to be extra arms on it. It even has an extra tail that it looks like it was mutated a lot.

Izuku : Kacchan the thing is that different from when we were young, you get stronger in the simple ways of quirks, I on the other hand

I get stronger in my own way

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