Mom didn't react, which clearly wasn't the response dad wanted, so he snarled at her. His focus turned as he made his way towards the television. He stood before it and raised both fists above his head.

"No," Jack yelped, I saw him moving faster than ever, in a blink the TV was in his Jack's hands as my dad smash the wall were the tv once hung, "The tv's innocent,"

Dad glared at him and Jack slowly backed away. Then he turned to me, I looked up at him and his face was unrecognizable at this point.

"Go pack up your stuff! We're leaving, now!" He yelled at me, I blinked at him and looked over at my mom, "No, don't look at her, look at me, pack your things Leo, we're leaving this town,"

"And go where, Tommy?" My mom asked stepping up to him,

"Anywhere!" He snapped, "Somewhere the damn ghost riders won't be able to find him,"

"For how long? To what end? We tried to leave all those years ago and look at what happened!" My mom yelled, I felt a surge of her power as she got in his face, "Kali slashed your throat and put you in a coma! I almost lost my physical body and was force to put my soul in our toddler son's mind! Leo spent eleven years without his parents! Us! Lost eleven years of his life, because you wanted to run! And now you want to do it again? You want to just abandon everything we've built here?"

"It's a fucking house! It doesn't matter! We matter! Nothing else!" Dad yelled, clearly not getting her point,

"Maybe to you it doesn't matter, but this isn't about you, it's about him," my mom said pointing to me, "His life is the only thing that matters, Thomas,"

"Exactly! So why are you being so fucking ignorant about this Tsubaki? We need to leave this Godforsaken town as fast as possible, as soon as possible, so could grow a fucking pairs and act you're fucking age!?" My dad snapped at her angrily, mom blinked, I bit my lip and looked away,

Never. Ever, in all the time, I've had them back in my life as my dad ever spoken to her like that... and clearly, I wasn't the only person who knew this.

"Excuse me?" Several persons asked at once, I turned over to the kitchen and saw Sam standing up looking offended, my mom begun to clench her fist as she glared at my father, even Castiel who was outside once the shouting begun turned and was now standing in the doorway to the back patio,

"Dean, there's a limit, and you are way pass it," Sam said in a disgruntled tone, "Okay? We get that you're angry about this but you need to take it down, several notches,"

"Shut up, Sam! He's not your kid," Dad said throwing a glare at Sam,

"Actually, he is," Castiel joined in, Dad turned to face him, "You made us apart of your pack, with one clear goal, protecting your son, so he doesn't face the same fate as our loved ones. The Ghost riders took something from each of us, and now we're here to protect Leo, all of us, together,"

"You're the one who made them all get those stupid tattoos over their hearts, remember?" My mom asked with a scoff, "I just got my family back, we got Leo back, and now we have Jack, two sons, Tommy, we can't lose this, not now, not ever, I refuse to make them run away,"

Dad huffed and puffed. He turned around the room looking at all the other adults then to me.

"They have a point, dad," I said with a shrug,

That wasn't the answer he wanted to hear.

He stepped forward, grabbed the office table and threw it at the back door. Castiel was gone as it shattered through the glass.

"You're all fucking insane!" Dad yelled at them, then he turned to me, anger and rage clouded his judgement, I knew he was afraid of losing me but this wasn't the way to handle it, so I looked away from him, "Leo-"

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