𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑖𝑥

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"His majesty king Jungkook has just arrived." One of the servants said loudly as Celeste, her husband, her parents, her siblings and some servants were standing by gate.

Celeste's residence was beautiful, not as big as Doranelle's main palace but it could still fit over hundred people.

Jungkook stepped down from his horse and with polite smile walked towards the king and queen, bowing to them as they all bowed back.

Taehyung was now standing behind younger king.

"It's real honor to have you here king Jungkook. My dear wife and daughters were all excited when they found you'll also be arriving. How was your journey? Was is long?" King of Doranelle asked worriedly.

"Not really." Jungkook chuckled and older king returned the chuckle.

"I bet His Majesty must be tired. Why don't you let him get a rest and we'll talk at the dinner." Queen scolded her husband quietly and smiled sweetly at younger king.

Jungkook just laughed silently and bowed his head.

"Come on, let me lead you to your chamber. " Celeste finally stepped in front her parents and grabbed Jungkook's arm, sweetly smiling up at him.

Jungkook nodded and bowed to everyone and sent Taehyung with other servant before being pulled away by Celeste,


"So, how's married life so far?" Jungkook asked as they were walking through the corridors.

"Pretty good. James is still trying his best to prove himself to my parents. And he's also really good at taking care of Kai. I think I just love him too much." Celeste was smiling widely while talking about her husband.

Jungkook chuckled and patted Celeste's hand. "I'm really happy for you then."

"So..... What about you?" Celeste wiggled her eyebrows.

"What?" Jungkook frowned slightly, nor really understanding.

"What about you and your love life. Is there anyone who stole your heart?" Celeste asked while Jungkook just signed.

"It's complicated and I'm tired, let's talk about it later."

"So there is someone. Who is it?" Celeste squealed, almost jumping excitedly.

"Later." Younger whined.

"How long do you two know each other? Is she from your kingdom? How old is she? Ah! Is she from a palace? Is she a servant?" Celeste didn't stop asking.

"Celeste not now please! I want to sleep." Jungkook sighed, massaging his temples.

"Okay okay~. But don't think you're free from me. I promise you I'll get every single detail out of you." Celeste slightly punched younger's shoulder.

"Hmm." Jungkook just hummed as they arrived in front of room he'll be staying at.

"Have a good rest." Celeste said softly as younger stepped inside the room, not closing door yet.

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