I Need to Start Going to Church

Start from the beginning

*liked by vera.a25*

Damn that was fast. Whatever, it's not like I care that she's stalking me. Regardless, a small smile begins to form on my face.

I skate home, suddenly wishing I was back in Michigan living next door to that damn brunette.

Back at the apartment, my mom is actually setting the table and I smell something in the oven.

"You cooked?" I ask, shutting the door with my foot behind me. My mother is out of her work attire and her hair is up in a messy bun. She's shiny with sweat so I can tell she's been working on dinner for awhile. When she hears me, she looks up and grins.

"Yeah, I just wanted to do something special for you. I'm very aware of the fact that I'm a shitty mother and I want to work on it while we're here." I was speechless. It's like getting an alcoholic to admit they're an alcoholic. I don't fully believe her, so I just nod and sit at the table. Maybe something good with come out of this trip.

Weeks later

Vera's POV

Just do it Vera. Stop being a little bitch. Ughhhh just grow a pair!! My thumb hovered the dial icon on my iPhone. Just do it. I took a deep breath and hit the button, which was followed by the ringing sound. 1 ring, 2 rings, 3 rings, she's not gonna answer.

"...vera?" My heart skipped a beat in my chest just hearing her sweet voice. Fuck I miss her. Words began to get caught in my throat and were too persistent to come out and form sentences. Say something you idiot.

"Hey Aria..." Wait why did I call? Crap, just say something! "Uh- I just thought I would check in with you, see how you're doing?"

"That's sweet. I'm really good, I love Seattle. How are you? How are the girls?"

"I'm okay. The girls are good, they miss you. I do too." I bite my lip to stop myself from saying anything else embarrassing.

"..I miss them too." She disregards my last statement. "Um, I think my mom is wrapping up her project here so they won't have to be missing me for much longer."

"That's great. Things in Clearwater haven't changed much so don't worry" I joke and she chuckles.

"Who are you on the phone with babe?"

Is she with a girl right now? Oh my God. I'm wrapping this call up.

"Well I just wanted to check on you, uh the girls need me so I'll see you whenever you get back."

"Alright. Thanks for calling. Bye Vera."

"Bye Aria." I hang up and sigh. I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and I'm practically green with jealousy. She probably hasn't even thought about me for weeks. Clearly she's moved on. Who even is this other girl though? How did they meet?

I hate jealousy.

I hate to admit it but I feel like my life has been somewhat easier since Aria left. Maybe it's blissful ignorance, but Sean has actually been tolerable recently. I'm sure the fact that the gorgeous girl next door is gone has nothing to do with it.

I apply my lipstick and blush, pull my hair out of its bun and shake it around some, and I'm ready for date night.

"Vera are you about ready?!" Sean shouts from downstairs.

"Yeah be down in a sec!!"

At dinner, I feel almost happy? Just sitting across from my husband who's not so bad to look at, and being showered with compliments, I almost forget why I was ever unhappy. But then those brown ringlets pop into my head, replacing my husbands green eyes with her honey brown ones. I subtly shake my head and focus on Sean.

"How's work?" he asks.

"Good actually. I haven't had any troublesome kids."

"That's good to hear babe. You know I was thinking we should have Aria come babysit the girls and go out of town for a weekend."

"...You know, I think she's in Seattle right now. But where would you want to go?"

"I was thinking a cabin in the woods, lots of privacy to do whatever... and I could shoot and cook our dinner!" I cringe a little inside for some reason. Then the brunette comes back into my head and I can't help but picture staying at a cabin in the middle of nowhere with her. A pink blush creeps up my face and the room suddenly feels a lot warmer. Stop Vera. She's 18 and you're married.

"That sounds romantic" I say. Maybe I should start going to church more often.

Aria's POV


my favorite boy.

my favorite boy

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What. The. Fuck. Is she for real? All the shit talking she does about him to me and then she does a 180 with this bullshit? And the way she acts around me, making me feel special?

Fuck her. I'm not even going to waste brain cells on her, I'm all the way across the country and she can't hurt me anymore. I'm gonna live my best life in this beautiful city, with my beautiful 'girlfriend' for the time being. Her names' Paris and she's stunning.

I've never had a girlfriend before, but I definitely want to have a lot more in the future. Girls are so much better than boys. Their lips are softer, there's no scratchy stubble, and they smell so much better. I find it hard to recall why I ever dated boys.

I set my phone down on the outdoor table and just admire the view. I hear small footsteps come up behind me, before soft, feminine hands gently grab my chin and lift it into a kiss. Paris's long blonde hair tickles my face and I giggle into her lips.

"Good morning" she says, going to sit next to me.

"Morning gorgeous."

"What do you wanna do today?"

"...We could rent scooters and go by that long trail that goes by the water!" I suggest. She's a native, so I feel a little silly suggesting touristy things, but she doesn't seem to mind.

"Sure babe" Paris chuckles. We sit in a comfortable silence, admiring the gorgeous view of the Puget Sound. But deep down in my heart I still feel a twinge of jealousy about Vera's post. Could she really have forgiven him that easily? Did she just forget about me?

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