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Two weeks went by and it was now the middle of June

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Two weeks went by and it was now the middle of June.

"It was inevitable, Ruby. How could I've left her all by herself in a group of unfamiliar people?"

"You call her uncles and aunts unfamiliar people?"

"She grew up in Singapore for more than half of her life! How was she supposed to be comfortable around them?"

"For heaven's sake, Maxwell, stop giving excuses!" She stood up, balling her fists.

The furious state of the blonde hair couple only made Melina sigh tiresomely. The cold war happening between the two since a week had finally resulted in an outburst of emotions today and neither of them were ready to listen or compromise.

He stepped closer, closing the distance between them, "Fine, your egoistic ass wins."

Breathing heavily, Ruby, infuriated, didn't budge from her place and remained adamant on proving her point that seemed nothing but futile to Melina. In fact, this entire argument based on the incident at Anne's family party felt unnecessary.

"That bitch deserves to rot in hell," She scoffed.

She looked away and stared at a dirty, wooden bench at a corner absentmindedly, fully aware of the consequences of her just made statements on Maxwell's female best friend.

He gritted with his voice going deep, "Don't talk about her that way." 

Anne was never a threat to their relationship; it was only Ruby's jealousy and insecurities that paved way for misunderstandings.

Maxwell accompanied Anne to a party thrown by her family who she was never in close touch with, as a mere friend. He seemed to have fulfilled his job as a best friend, but dropped an accidental bomb on his girlfriend who detests her with all her heart.

Strangers to friends, friends to best friends, best friends to lovers. That's just their  way. On the upcoming days, there would be many blossoming relationships, misunderstandings, heartbreaks, cheating and what not. As much as Melina wanted to enjoy her youth with her friends, they get themselves tied up in commitments at a ripe age.

"Melina, why don't you say something?"

She sent a silent prayer to God.

"Why involve her when she's got nothing to do with this? Oh why, some backup I see?" He spoke out sarcastically, a foolish smirk plastered on his clear countenance.

"This bastard," She cursed, her voice now filling with hurt, "he takes my feelings for granted." She whispered, her plump lips quivering.

She was deeply concerned for Ruby, but stifled a laugh when she noticed her nostrils flaring.

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