Naruto placed Anastasia in the chair and she went to say thank you but white engulfed Naruto. Anastasia watched amazed as a gorgeous goddess of a woman began to kiss everywhere on Narutos face.

"I've been so worried Naruto! You can't do that again without telling anyone!" The woman scolded. But quickly when back into mothering her.
Anastasia smiled at the warmth Naruto had been welcomed back home with. She took this chance to look around the throne room. The first two people she instantly noticed were king and queen Minato and Kushina. Kushina crossed her arms with a sour face while Minato looked relieved.
Did they know Naruto?
Beside them was their youngest daughter, Mito. Anastasia remembered who Mito was because Ben had once complained about the youngest princesses attitude toward him and the other men he worked with. Beside them was a pink haired man, a pink haired woman and a blonde haired woman. They were all dressed in fancy clothing but it was nothing compared to the two standing beside them. The woman had a terraria and blonde pigtails while the man had panda like eyes and crimson hair. He looked very angry.
The rest seemed to be knights with one gorgeous maid who had lilac eyes and was smiling at Naruto being coddled by the goddess of a woman.

A very attractive and handsome man chuckled and grabbed the woman's waist.

"Dear your over whelming her." Anastasia flushed by his gentle tone and gorgeous smile.
"Oh don't act like you weren't worried! Naruto don't believe Itachis calm facade for one moment! He was the one frantic all this time, especially when you didn't come back yesterday!" The woman exasperated.
Anastasia watched a small but genuine smile cross Narutos lips. "The weather had caught Anastasia and I off guard. We had had to take shelter Sunday night and that set us back a day." She explained.
"Anastasia?" The woman tilted her head cutely.
Naruto nodded and grabbed the back of Anastasia's chair. "This was my promise like I had explained to Itachi. Anastasia this is king and queen Itachi and Izumi. The ones I told you about."
"You talk about us!" Izumi swooned.
Anastasia giggled as Itachi took her hand and placed a light kiss on it. He then turned to Naruto.
"No more personal ventures without two days warning."
Naruto put her hands up. "I had only wanted to go sooner rather than later."
"Did you eat? Did you bath? Those clothes seem a couple days old." Izumi interrogated her.
"I did eat. I bathed before I left and I didn't feel like buying myself new clothes so yes, these are a few days old."
Izumi slapped her shoulder, than looked bewildered and pulled the cloak back. She gasped.
"Itachi. She's finally not wearing armor!"
Naruto rolled her eyes. "It was uncomfortable for the one resting on me half the journey. It's in the satchel Choji is putting in my chambers now."
"Oh..." she pouted. "I like you wearing dresses not armor."
Naruto waved a hand. "Dresses are for special occasions. Now." Naruto turned to Anastasia and pointed at Minato. "You know who that is." "Yes." She pointed at Kushina and Mito. "And those two." "Yes." She pointed at Kizashi. "Do you know who that is?" Anastasia shook her head.
"His names Haruno Kizashi. He's the one in charge of all the plantations through the Wind, Waves and Fire. That's his wife Haruno Mebuki and their daughter Haruno Sakura. The ones beside them are Princess Sabaku Temari from the Suna and her personal knight Gaara." Naruto leaned toward Anastasia's ear. "Her knight is her brother and king of Suna, Sabaku Gaara. Stead carefully around him."
Anastasia hissed in a breath and nodded as Gaaras eyes narrowed at Naruto.
'So she's known' He mused.

Naruto looked back at Itachi.
"I heard Sasukes conscious."
He nodded. "Barely responses but he's conscious."
Naruto nodded.
"Are you planning to go see him anytime soon. Kabutos been complaining none stop about you dumping Sasuke on him and running off."
"I didn't run off." Naruto defended.
Itachi shrugged. "Looks like you did."
Naruto rolled her eyes and picked Anastasia back up. "I'll be taking her to my chambers than going to see Sasuke. Is there anything important that you shouldn't wait to tell me?"
"No." Itachi shook his head.
"Good. I'll see you all later."
"Hopefully not a week later!" Izumi shouted after them.

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