~31~ Love & TikToks

Start from the beginning

"Jacob?" I whisper against his neck and I receive a sleepy "Hm?"

"Don't you have to post Tiktoks to make money?"

"Yeah" He croaks out, readjusting his head to a more comfortable position, but he makes sure his arm is still wrapped around my body.

"I haven't seen you film Tiktoks for a little while."

"I'm posting drafts, but I could film a Tiktok right now if you're that concerned."

"No, it's fine."

"I'm going to film one anyways."

He gets out of bed, making my shoulders cold, and he goes to his side of the room and he pulls his phone out of one of those sanitary hospital bags that they put your personal belongings in such as clothes, jewelry, phones, etc.

"Are you okay with being in one?" He asks, getting back in the bed, but he doesn't wrap his arm around my shoulders, so I sink further down into the bed and pull the covers up past my nose.

"Yup, totally fine." Jacob notices the cover above my chin and he pulls them back down and wraps his arm back around my shoulders, he snuggles closer and I wince in pain because he's crushing my chest.  "Sorry." He loosens his grip and I feel a little better.

He opens Tiktok and scrolls through the app until he finds a video that he likes and wants to recreate. He starts recording and for the first few seconds, it's just him, then he extends his arm and I'm slightly in the frame, then the video stops and he clicks one of the filters and starts adding pictures of him and I.

~~~Start Playing the Song~~~

"What video are you making?"

"I don't know, I'll send you the original when I'm done." I watch him select the photo of him and I swaying back in forth in front of the stairs and I smile lightly. He scrolls down further and selects a photo of him and I at training when we were goofing off on a break and we started taking random selfies. He said something funny and we were both laughing and he got it on camera. It's an adorable picture. He scrolls down even further and there's a picture of us in the bathroom with the face masks on, moments before disaster. He selects another photo of us and it's him and I sleeping on the couch I'm resting my head on his stomach and his arms are wrapped around my chest. I don't know who took that picture or when it was taken, but I kind of want that picture. "I didn't know we had so many pictures together."

"Same. I'm just selecting them as I go."

After he chooses about thirteen pictures, he adds captions and posts it. He sends me the video he made and the original video and I tear up a bit when I see what he wrote.

**First 3 seconds of the video: He and I laying in the hospital bed, half asleep. 'I don't know what I'd do without you...'**

**Next 4 seconds: Pictures of him and I. 'Because you mean the most to me'**

**Another 2 seconds: More pictures of him and I. 'And I love you.'**

**Last 3 seconds: A picture of him holding my hand in the hospital and a picture of him sleeping on my lap in the hospital again. 'I love you so very much.'**

I don't remember half of these pictures being taken, but it makes me feel good that Jacob has them. "You're okay with posting this?"

"I want the world to know how much I love you. You mean the world to me and sometimes I may be a jerk or I'm not always around, but at least I'm a jerk who loves you and never wants to lose you."

"Jacob, if anything you're not a jerk,"

"You called me a jerk as soon as you woke up."

"Okay, well I was joking. You're not an idiot or a jerk. You're kind and warm and very protective. You know how to treat people right and you know when something is wrong. You don't like a lot of attention drawn to yourself, but you are still an influencer. You are so good with kids and even adults. You're one of the greatest things that could've happened. So no, you're not a jerk. You're a man who I love with all my heart. Even the broken pieces."

He leans in to kiss me and the door to my room is opened and a nurse walks in. She has a cheeky smile on her face as she pushes the med cart into my room.

She opens a couple of bottles of pills and shakes them into a small plastic cup and hands it to me while handing me a small cup of water to take them with. "I remember how it felt to be in love when I was young." She washes her hands in the sink behind her and she looks like she's in a daze.

"We didn't have Tiktok or anything, but we had polaroids," She grab the thermometer and walks over to my side of the bed, and leans in to check my temperature and the smell of chemicals is replaced by her sweet floral perfume. "Anytime we made each other happy or we surprised each other, we'd take a picture. I had about a hundred pictures."

She pulls the thermometer away from my head and sighs when she read the temperature. "We gave up on the pictures for a while, but when he proposed to me, he pulled out the camera and took a polaroid picture of us." She grabs the blood pressure cuff and wraps it around my arm.

"How long have you guys been together?" Jacob asks, putting his phone away, ignoring the notification coming through from his friends reacting about the Tiktok he just posted. "We were high school sweethearts and we got married when we were twenty-one. We've been married for twenty-five years." She puts the stethoscope against my inner elbow and starts squeezing the pump she monitors the screen and then she peels off the tight cuff from my arm and places it back on her heart. "How did you guys last."

"Trust. It may sound easy, but it's not. There have been so many arguments between him and I and there were times when I thought things were going to end, but then I remembered why we were together. So then he and I would be mature and sit down to talk about our feelings instead of blaming each other for things. Even if we did something wrong and we were responsible for hurting the other's feelings." She sets down two pudding cups on the bedside table with two plastic rooms and she takes the cart and leaves the room. She quickly opens the door and peeks her head inside. "I'll be back later. Ring the button if you want to talk before then." She winks at us, then closes the door behind her.


chill nurses >>>>>>>>>

i don't really know how to feel about this chapter, considering rewriting it :(

lmk ab typos and the length. thanks!


Question of the chapter: do you have a favorite nurse?

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