skater gaters

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it's the weekend now so that means a break from school. thank god.

i spent Saturday with the gang at charlottes house which was fun. her mum is convinced charlotte and i are dating, we're not.

she didn't seem disgusted by the idea which made me feel slightly better about myself. thanks char.

i've woke up on the Sunday morning full of energy. but i don't know what to do with myself. i could read, skateboard, smoke, hang out with the gang or just do nothing.

why not do two things at once? good thinking. smoking and reading. but on the roof. i grab my stuff and climb out my window and onto the roof.

i roll myself a couple spliffs and light one up so i can start reading.

i finish both my joints and get a good half way through my book before i hear someone yell my name sounding concerned.

"phoenix?!" i hear someone shout.

i lower my book and see asher stood on my lawn looking up at me, scared.

"yeah?" i respond.

"what the fuck are you doing on the roof??"

"reading and smoking some joints" i shrug.

he starts laughing. i join in the laughter and pick up my stuff, shuffling down the roof and dangling my legs over the edge.

"what're you doing here?" i ask.

"wanted to see if you could hang out"

"sure" i say before i pretend to slip.

he yells in fear making me burst into a fit of laughter. i slide off the roof onto my window sill, throwing my stuff inside before i jump down to where he is.

he shoves me. "fucking idiot"

i just laugh.

we start walking. "what do you want to do?"

he shrugs. "what's good?"

"fucking nothing" i laugh.

"well that's not helpful is it" Asher shoves me again.

fucker shoving me, dickhead.

i shove him back but he just picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "hey!" i protest.

"tell me something to do or i'm not putting you down"

"okay okay" i panic and try to think.

"we could take the gang to the roller rink?"

"good idea" he says practically throwing me on the floor.

i cross my arms. "bastard"

"bAstArd" he mocks my accent before texting the others about the plans.

we find a bench to sit on while we wait for the others to get here. if i knew i was seeing people today i would've dressed better.

i'm just wearing the usual baggy as fuck jeans and a hoodie. if i knew i would've worn a suit. gotta dazzle them you know? just kidding i'm too fucking lazy for that.

the others turn up and we make our way to the roller rink.

i don't know why i mentioned roller skating because i'm just gonna show them up, because i am absolutely brilliant.

"can any of you skate?"

"yeah" Carson, Sophie and Asher respond.

"i fall a lot" charlotte says.

The ups and downs of Phoenix MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now