a girl wants to see ME shirtless? she must be daft.

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i suffer from nightmares because of all the bullying that takes place at school. you'd think i'd get a break from the terror when i sleep but nope, it follows me there.

i was really hoping i wouldn't have one tonight considering i'm sharing the bed with a girl. but i'm not that lucky.

i yell as i wake up from the nightmare and i bolt upright. i hold my head in my hands, trying to calm myself down.

"phoenix??" charlotte says sitting up next to me.

"y-yeah?" i ask.

"are you okay??" she asks rubbing my back.

i look at her, tears in my eyes. "yeah i'm fine, just a nightmare"

"you poor thing" she says as she lays back down.

i lay back down next to her.

"do you get them a lot?" she asks, looking at me.

i can barely see her face because of how dark it is, but i can make out that it's her.

"most nights" i sigh.

"that must really suck" she half laughs.

i half laugh too. "cant say i enjoy them"

she lifts her arm up. "come here"

she wants me to cuddle her? maybe i scared her when i yelled or something?

i cuddle up to her and i have to admit it's making me feel safe. she starts to stroke my hair, slightly playing with it.

nobody has really played with my hair other than thena and my mum, so it feels really nice. refreshing even.

i smile.

"i'll protect you from your nightmares" she says as she holds me tighter.

"thanks lottie" my smile grows.

i didn't have another nightmare when i went back to sleep.

i wake up still cuddling lottie, except she's awake and stroking my hair again.

when i glance down the rest of the group are sat at the end of the bed watching me sleep??

"morning" carson says with a slight laugh.

"morning.." i reply.

i break out of the cuddle and sit up. "why were you all watching me sleep?"

"we know you had a rough night so we left you to sleep" Sophie smiles.

"right.." i say as i get out of bed.

"we're going back to ours to go swimming" charlotte says.

"that's cool. you guys will have fun" i nod as i sit on my desk chair.

"you're coming with us" Asher crosses his arms.

i burst out laughing.

they all just look confused at my laughter.

"well uh 1. i have a cast on my arm and two. you aren't seeing me shirtless" i cross my arms.

"there's ways around both those things" charlotte says as she gets out of bed.

"yeah" they all agree.

i roll my eyes and stand up. "fine"

they all cheer.

i really don't understand why they're so thrilled i'm coming? i'm really not that fun to be around let alone go swimming with.

i get some clothes to change into as well as a towel and my swimming trunks. i stick them in a bag before we all head off to the twins house.

The ups and downs of Phoenix MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now