"Alright, Maisie, two hands and follow me down, ok?" Anya said as she held a torch in her hand and prepared to go down the ladder.

Owen watched as she waited for Maisie to nod before gripping her flashlight in her teeth and beginning the climb down the ladder and into the tunnels.

Anya held the torch in one hand and her knife in the other as they made a slow journey down the dark tunnel, Owen and Ian taking up the rear as he had the gun.

It took a while and a few wrong turns, but they eventually made it, and from the control room you could see the entire forest burn.

"This is very bad," Ian remarked as Anya sat at a desk.

"This is the same system my father used at the park. I know this," Anya realised as she began typing, Owen leaning over her shoulder as he watched.

"Great. So, we can turn on the thing and then we can all get out of here?" Ian asked as he sat down.

"System functions...ADS," Anya muttered to herself as she worked before a big red message flashed on the screen. "Error 99? What's an Error 99?" she asked.

"Not enough power," came a new voice as another man walked into the room. "In a breakdown, all available power is used by the primary system to keep running. We need all that power to reactivate the ADS," he explained.

"So, the system's safety feature is what's going to kill us?" Alan clarified.

"Of course," Kayla laughed sarcastically.

"Then how do we get more power?" Maisie asked from where she stood next to Anya, having explained to her that they could trust this guy named Ramsey.

"Uh, we can't but we can redistribute what we have. We just need to..."

"Shut down the primary system," Anya finished as she stood.

"Yes exactly," Ramsey answered.

"Where is it?" Ellie asked.

"Next floor up," Ramsey said.

"We escaped down here," Maisie said as she pointed to a blueprint on the computer screen.

"Where is that? Water treatment centre?" Owen questioned.

"Hydroelectric system. Sub-eight," Ramsey answered.

"Give me 10 minutes and I can find her," Owen said as his wife approached him.

"I can do it in 8," she challenged, and Owen gave her a look. "Come on, Sailor, we made a promise. And you know they listen to me better."

Owen sighed as he handed over the gun.

"Wait. Who's this now?" Ellie questioned as she and Kayla grabbed walkie-talkies.

"Beta. Blue's baby," Maisie answered.

"Velociraptor," Kayla added.

"A baby raptor?" Alan questioned.

"And you gave her a name. how about that?" Ian remarked.

"I made a promise we would bring her home," Owen explained.

"You made a promise to a dinosaur?" Ian questioned.

"I believe you're seriously underestimating the intelligence of these creatures, Dr Malcolm," Anya replied as she pulled her braid out from under the strap of the gun.

"You're coming with us, right?" Maisie asked Alan.

"Maisie, I-"

"Please," she asked, leaving the doctor no choice but to agree.

"Ok, so that leaves me and Owen to shut off the power," Ellie said as he moved over to her.

"Baby," Anya called as she handed him her knife seeing as his was lost after the Giganotosaurus knocked it out of his hands. "I'll be on channel five," she said as she tossed Ian a walkie.

"Ok," he said, still with an unimpressed look on his face.

"We're on three," Ellie said as she tossed a walkie to Ramsey and Owen faced his wife.

"Come back to me," he said.

"Always," she smiled before pecking his lips.

"And take care of my girl," he said as he pointed at Maisie and Anya rolled her eyes.

"It hurts that you don't trust me, Sailor."

"I'll have that chopper hot in 10. Wait for my signal," Kayla instructed.

"Alright, let's move people," Anya ordered, and they were off.

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