I quickly cover his mouth with my hand, stopping him making him mumble.

"EJ! You can't just be saying stuff like that in public! W what if Jack came out of nowhere!"

"IM M M '' Oh right I'm covering his mouth.

"I was trying to say, I'm sorry, I just, You know we never talked about it after it happened."

"Ej, You know that time was a Mistake, I was upset and It was just an accident. "

"I know.but-"

*School Bell RIngs*

"Hey, Let's talk about this another time alright please?"

"*sigh* Alright, pick you up before lunch?"

"You know I'll be waiting for you." I smile at the Jock as I walk into the classroom. Ugh, his Face makes my day better.

After Class

I get out of class and Walk by to see Ej standing at the end of the Hall for me. Gosh this guy never backs down from anything. Part of the reason I just love my best friend. I just wish sometimes he and Jack would get along because those two would make me happy Knowing my best friend and Boyfriend are just as good a duo as me and Ej.

"Look who didn't leave me behind." I came up to Ej as he smiled towards me with his big charming smile.

"I mean, I couldn't go to Lunch without you."

"Yeah, because everyone needs me there too to make sure you're tamed. Can't have you flirting with everyone you know."

"That's just my personality. Sorry if that affects you."

"Well, it kinda does." We both laugh and we start walking out then I hear buzz coming from my Pocket. I pull out my phone to see Jack has been texting me.



I miss you <3

See me after lunch please in my car. I want to have some fun before class.


"Ricky?!" I looked up to Ej who was calling my name with a look on his face. He's worried. Of course he's worried.

"Oh uh, Sorry. It's just jack. He wants to meet up before class."

I see Ej roll his eyes trying to not make it obvious.

"You know I saw that right?"

"Oh,uh. Yeah, I'm not going to deny it."

"Look. I know you don't really like him but he's my Boyfriend E and I really want it if you would try to be nice to him."

"I AM nice to him. He's just a little bitch. Besides, he barely treats you enough."

"Not true!"

"Look, I know you love him but you can't just let him treat you like a Second class citizen."

"He doesn't. He actually is planning a date for us tonight. I promise He's treat me well. You know I wouldn't lie to you."

"I guess, but -"

As Ej was about to start rambling and then I came forward pulling him close into a hug. He clearly needs one.

"What's up with the random hug?'

"You rant a lot. Thanks for being an overprotective bestie but I can take care of myself."

"I think I got my ranting problems from you."

We fly together • Rj/Caswen Oneshots •Where stories live. Discover now