Chapter 10

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Mia's point of view

...."we're mates." 

That got my attention. "Mates? What do you mean mates? Jeremy we are human and humans don't have mates."

"Well you're right humans don't have soul mates...but vampires do." I busted out laughing. "You're real funny Jeremy. You almost had me for a second there."

I looked down at Jeremy; he had a serious look on his face.

"You can't be serious. Vampires aren't even real!" "Yes they are Mia." "No they're not." "Look Mia stop being immature and listen to me. Vampires are very real. And if your not careful you could get hurt. Mia I really care for you, and I'll protect you to the best of my abilities. But, I want you to stay away from Trenton."

"Trenton won't hurt me. And when In the hell did you become my boss?!" I shouted at Jeremy. "I'm trying to fucking protect you Mia! Do you want to get killed?" I backed away from Jeremy. He was really starting to scare me. He moved closer to me pinning me to the bed with his body. 

"Mia I'm sorry. I just want to keep you safe. Trenton is my brother. But don't underestimate him. He's one of the strongest vampires in existence." I gawked at Jeremy. "He's one of the strongest in existence?" "Yes, sweetheart." Whoa! Is he like Dracula?"

Jeremy laughed and I pouted. "Its not funny Jeremy. I want to know."

"No baby he's not like Dracula." "Well then what makes him so different from Dracula?" Well for starters vampires aren't affected by garlic, or sunlight, and we don't turn into bats. That's all bullshit." "So pretty much everything thing people think they know about vampires is wrong?" "Yeah pretty much. But moral of the story is that all vampires drink blood. This is what makes Trenton so dangerous."

"So since real vampires don't turn into bats... Do they have special powers?" "Actually yes. Trenton and I are a special kind of vampire. We are known as purebloods. We were born as vampires. We don't have to be turned."

I stared at Jeremy and tried to absorb his words into my brain. Was he's saying is clearly impossible. But he sounds so convincing... 

"So what kind of powers do you have?" I asked curiously. "Well there is telekinisis, telepathy, teleportation, pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, electrokinesis, and cyrokinesis." "Okay..but you still didn't answer my question." Jeremy sighed. "I have all of them Mia." "So is it normal for a pureblood like you to have that many powers?" "No." "Then why do you have all if them?" 

"Because my father was a powerful wizard and my mother was the first vampire to ever exist. And also because I was the first born." My mouth literally dropped to the floor. That was definitely  not what I was expecting. "H..How is this possible?" "Well when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much.." "Oh my God Jeremy that's not what I meant! I mean this is just crazy." "Well to a human it may seen crazy." 

I just don't understand how I didn't realize that Jeremy was different. So Jeremy is the first born to two ridiculously powerful parents. Wait first born? "So Trenton is your younger brother?" "Correct." "So does he have all the powers you do?" "No, all purebloods possess only one power. I'm the only exception."

Jeremy stared down at me. He's so gorgeous. I reached up and touched his feather soft lips. I softly pressed my lips to his. He pulled me close to him. Our bodies fit perfectly together. After all we are made for each other. He buried his nose in my neck and inhaled my scent. My soulmate is perfect. 

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