Chapter 4

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Jeremy's point of view

I can't believe Mia just fucking kneed me in the nuts. What the fuck is her issue? I stomp out the restroom and I'm pretty pissed. I frantically look around the club trying to find Mia.

I spotted her just as she was walking out the door. Damn it I'm not letting her get away this easily. "Mia!" She didn't even turn around. She climbed right in her car and drove away. Well so much for not letting her get away.

Mia's point of view

I heard Jeremy call my name while I was walking out the club. But I'm so tired I honestly don't want to put up with anymore of his shit. Jeremy has to be the sexiest guy I have ever seen. But he's still an asshole and I have enough problems as it is. I really don't need to complicate my life any further.

I climbed in my car knowing that I will regret going out tonight when I get home. When I did get home it was extremely late. I was greeted at the door by a sarcastic, bitchy Teresa. "You couldn't have stayed out any later could you?" She asked in a sarcastic tone. "Do you want me to answer that question Teresa?"

"I'm your mother. And I'm tired of you calling me by my name. You can call me mom or you can get the hell out!" She screamed at me. "Alright if that's what you want, I'll be upstairs packing." Ignoring her rude comments I went upstairs and packed my things.

After packing my car full with all my stuff I gave my room one last look. I remember when I used to enjoy living here. When dad used to be here with mom and I. I remember what it felt like to have a family. I really miss dad. I quickly leave my room before I start to bawl. Teresa is standing by the door when I come down the stairs. I glare at her before I tell her what I've wanted to tell her forever "I call you Teresa because your not a real mother. Your just some bitter bitch who happened to pop me out of her pussy. Goodbye Teresa."

As I made my way to my car I realized I have no where to crash tonight. Well it looks like I'll be sleeping in my car tonight. I drove back to the club and parked my car. I soon drifted off into a sleep filled with dreams of a certain sexy guy with black hair and olive green eyes.

Jeremy's point of view

After having a couple drinks I walked out to the parking lot. I can't stop thinking about Mia. I can't believe I was such an asshole. What I'm the hell was I thinking? I should have known not to force myself on her. If there's one thing I know it's that she's not like all the sluts that I fuck around with. Sadly I learned that the hard way today. As I was walking out of the club I saw a black escalade pull into a parking space. Who is coming to the club at this hour? Don't they realize it's closed?

My curiosity got the best of me and I walked toward the car. I peered in the window...Mia was on the drivers seat asleep. Why is she sleeping in the parking lot? Is she homeless?

I hope you guys like the story so far. Comment and vote. Please some feedback would be nice.

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