An Unexpected Death

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29 minutes to the chase

Falcon saw his target waver over every moment, from a distance. He knew hesitation meant fear, fear meant disadvantage and disadvantage ultimately meant death. It had been many hours since he had been observing Akash, but he couldn't find any opportunity to engage, there were too many cops. If things had continued in the same way, he would have never gotten the chance to accomplish his task. That's when he decided to try something he hadn't for many years,

   'Akash Paul.' He spoke in a sullen manner, to hide his real voice. 'I have some information which can be conveyed only to someone who is trustworthy.' He looked at Akash through his car, observing his behaviour.

   'Whom does it regard?' His question came instantly, Falcon could tell he was desperate.

   'It regards to the real identity of both, "The Boss" and "The Stalker".' There was a momentary pause.

   'Very well, I'm all ears.'

   'Heh. Such information is too risky to be shared over phone calls, we need to meet at an address in ten minutes.'

   'How do I know it is not a trap?' And that was the tricky question for which Falcon had prepared for.

   'You don't.' He replied sharply. 'This is not a favor. I am one of his men, to be more precise. I want to get out of this mess and protect my family, I'm willing to testify, but I need assurance and that's why I've contacted you.' It was a tactic which he had learnt, tell them the truth they want to hear and before they understand it was just another layer of lies, finish them.

   'I understand. Where do we meet then?'

   'There is a small creek, just uphill, near the Malabar Hills, we meet alone.' He said, ending the call.


Syna explained to Siddharth the urgency, who offered her immediate assistance by ordering the police at the raided property, to act as an evidence search party, this saved them a lot of time. The officer joined Syna and Akash, and they began their operation, starting from the villa adjacent to the raided warehouse.

   'Let's hurry.' She said, holding his arm. Akash resisted.

   'I have to deal with another matter.' Syna gave him a dubious look. 'It is connected with the hunch! I'll inform you everything about my plan over call.'

   'I'll go with you then.' She said, stepping closer. Akash placed his hands on her shoulder.

   'You need to be with the search team, they need someone qualified enough to lead them.'

He looked her in the eye and smiled to himself. Staring at her face and flicking her short hair was something he'd fancied. He realized how he would miss her if the situation went downhill. Perhaps, this is it! He held her hands tightly and lifted them, gently kissing on the palm and embracing the feeling of love, one last time. It's hard to know when's the last time you may see someone but it is harder when you know that it's your last time, and yet you cannot convey it to anyone.

   'I need to go.' He said, in a cracking voice, he cleared his throat instantly. 'I'll explain everything to you on call.' Before Syna could say goodbye, he paced towards the other side, hiding his tears. He doubted if he would ever return, yet he never looked back.


Mr. Khatri banged the telephone angrily. He quickly grabbed his things and left the cabin in secrecy, avoiding eye contact with any of his colleagues. He rushed to his police van and started the ignition, within a second, he was gone. He wiped the sweat accumulating over his forehead, and munched in the reality.

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