"The Boss"

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1:23 A.M.

Somewhere near the hills

David was still on his knees. Since the last few weeks, he had lost almost everyone he loved or cared for. He had a huge bank balance, yet there was no balance in his life. Himanshu's face grew smaller listening to Jeel's story.

   'You-, You have met The Stalker? You know who he is?' He asked, flabbergasted.

   'I told you, douche. It is just a hunch; I shall verify my instincts myself and take revenge.'

   'Tell me the name!' Himanshu pleaded. 'Give me the name of the person you suspect.' Jeel laughed.

   'Well, I suppose you both are going to die anyway.' She said, looking at them. 'So it's no harm if you know about it. The one I suspect is my Benefactor. Who we know by the name "The Boss".' Himanshu's face widened with fear.

   'What? "The Boss?", that's- that's impossible!' He stammered. 'He is just a local supplier of a few illegal things'

   'Oh! Looks like you know about him, too.' Jeel wondered.

   'I can't believe it. What makes you think it's "The Boss"?'

   'The Similarity! I read about The Stalker, and found that they have many things in common. The Stalker had accomplices who worked for him, and the same is with "The Boss", he never commits his own crimes, it's us who would do everything. Next, the pen name, "The Stalker", "The Boss". They sound similar. Also, as far as I know, "The Boss" has been to Mumbai once! And lastly, "The Boss" told me that he wanted to take revenge on James Fernandes' son, David, and he formulated this plan with me. But then later on the plan failed, and everyone David loved or cared about is dead! So, I believe this hunch is positively correct.'

David wondered who "The Boss" was and what business he had with his father. It was always his father, the wealthy businessman with lots of secrets. Himanshu Savla was confused with the allegation, but he felt there were too many points in common to ignore the possibility, maybe Jeel was right! He thought.

   'Alright, that's enough chit chat. I never enjoy the company of losers for too long! Goodbye!' She said, loading the gun.

   'WAIT!' David yelled, he stood up slowly, breathing hard. 'At least tell me the name! The real name of "The Boss". Before I die, I need to know the name of the man who ruined my life.'

   'I guess, I can at least give you that.' She scoffed.

There was a sudden rustling of leaves which was heard by Jeel instantly, she tilted her neck upwards, and before anyone could comprehend what was going on, there were two loud gunshots, two bullets piercing through Jeel's body, right through her head and chest, she fell, screaming in pain. David and Himanshu flinched at the sounds. At the same moment, there were noises of wheels and engines roaring from the road.

   'Kill them as well!' One man yelled from near the trees, while running towards the other end of the landscape.

   'It is too late!' The other one said, running towards the car parked on the upper end of the road.

   'But they will testify "The Boss" as their crucial suspect to the police-'

   'It is too late!' He yelled again. And they disappeared in the darkness, with another roar of the engine. David and Himanshu were quickly surrounded by police vans and cars, their sirens ringing!

   'CBI! Hands where I can see them.' Siddharth ordered Himanshu Savla. 'Are you alright David?'

   'Your plan didn't work, Officer.' He cried. 'She is dead! Our suspect is gone!'

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