The battle is over

Start from the beginning

"Then where is Pete?" I asked, I needed to know where my baby was. "Pete is with uncle. We spoke earlier and he was ready to take care of Pete till Max was killed so when Pete arrived, uncle was more than happy. He even arranged for everything that Pete wanted at that moment." Can cleared.

Max's facial expression was now turned to betrayed and then to the angry ones. I knew Max was crossing boundaries while trying to get all the information about what was happening at my place but didn't think that Can would play this trick on him.

"Ae, he is all yours...."Can said handing me the gun and gesturing towards Max. It was loaded and I just needed to pull the trigger and I did exactly that. I made sure that each bullet found it's place inside Max as I emptied the gun and saw the enemy falling to the ground covered in blood.

The battle was over and finally, we have won it even after so much of trouble. I closed my eyes while breathing in the fresh air and trying to get rid of all the thoughts clouding my head. "I want to see Pete..." I said with my eyes still closed.

"Sure... But I would advise you to first take care of the wound and then see him. You don't want him to panic and get stressed." Can reminded. I hummed in response and then I was escorted to the medical building by Can and Tin who stayed with me all time till the wound was treated.

Stepping out of the medical building, I looked at my beautiful mansion that was ruined during attack. It was going to take time for restoration so I will have to make sure that we stay at some other place for time being.

I can see the guards at work, clearing the place, the dead bodies were being moved out of the house. We lost many lives this time but I hope we won't have to worry about anything from now on since Max and Blue were gone.

"Ae, I will take care of everything here. I think, it's better if you don't bring Pete home for few days. May be go on another vacation or something. It will be good for you both." Can suggested. "Alright... but let me see Pete first, I am more than scared thinking about what had happened." I said.

We arrived at Uncle's place and the guards ushered us inside. As we were approaching, I can hear little sounds which grew louder and louder with each step till we finally entered the big hall where Pete was seated watching some movie and talking to uncle.

"Sir, Mr. Ae is here." The guard informed uncle about our presence and left. Pete immediately turned his attention towards me and as soon as he saw me, He immediately left his seat and rushed towards me. I stepped forward since my baby was a little clumsy and I didn't want him to get hurt or our baby to be hurt. Within no time he was in my arms and crying ugly.

"A-Ae... I was so scared.... Is everything okay now?" he inquired. "Yes dear... everything is fine... Max is gone. We won't have to worry about anything now." I replied while gently patting his back to calm him down.

"Glad to see you Ae... I feel like I have won the battle finally. Though late but the justice was served." Uncle spoke. "Uncle Mario, thank you for taking care of Pete." I was more than thankful to this person who has saved the life of my husband twice. Once when he was a baby and now.

Uncle Mario, who saved Pete and sent him back with his granny when his parents passed away. "It's alright, I would be happy if you could visit me more often from time to time. I am getting used to this cute boy. I wish my son was still alive but what has happened, has happened." Uncle Mario let out a sigh. "Sure uncle... We will try to see you more often." I assured.

We didn't return to mansion from Uncle Mario's place since I didn't want Pete to see the ruins so as Can and Uncle had planned, we were on a small vacation. This time, I had to agree to let the guards and maids accompany us since I was asked to rest and couldn't move along doing all the stuff. Nothing really changed though. Pete was still complaining and demanding and his cravings were in full swing. Only thing, now the guards and maids were rushing around getting all the stuff as I barked the orders while sitting on the sofa with my baby cuddled in my arms.

About how Pete got to Uncle Mario's place was another story. Can suspected some people spying on us and kept watch on them and his gut feelings were more than right since he caught them exchanging information with Max in return for money. He immediately devised another plan with the help of Tin and took Pete into confidence.

They both explained to him what he has to do and about all the code words. When I informed the team about Max's people entering the premises, Can sent a signal to Tin and soon Pete and Tin left the penthouse and rushed towards the nearest exit where the car was in waiting. Can was monitoring everything through the linked device and he was able to keep on eye on the happenings even though he was going to Uncle Mario's place.

They didn't waste much time and immediately returned back to take care of everything. Most of the guards were asked to stay hidden for the last show while the others quickly dolled up the spies into Tin, Can and Pete's dresses and left them in penthouse.

When Max's people entered the place, they didn't have any idea about the other plan and ended up killing their own spies. While I thought that our plan had failed, Max was happy thinking that he had succeeded. But in the end, everything changed and there was no one other than me who was more happy.

"Ae.... I want to have ice cream." Pete demanded. "Flavor?" I inquired. "Mango...." Pete flashed me a wide smile while responding. "Mango ice cream!!" I shouted and I can hear the sound of cutlery coming from inside the kitchen. I chuckled while thinking about how the maids would be hurrying up to get it.

The next moment, the bowl was brought and placed on the tea table and the maid soon left after bowing. I picked up the bowl and scooped a little amount and begin to feed my baby. This was the new duty, if I am not cooking, I have to feed him. He was getting demanding day by day. Thankfully, he spared me a little because of injury but I guess he was going to scare the hell out of everyone till he delivers the baby.

"Ummm... Ae.... Stop taking those little amounts. That's not enough!!" he complained. I sighed and scooped some more amount of ice cream and then brought it to his mouth. Within blink of an eye, the ice cream disappeared and I was left to see the smiling face of my baby.

Even though he throws tantrums, gets angry and complains, I will still put up with everything because the feeling of losing him is much more worst. He is my treasure and I am going to keep him safe for rest of my life. "You are a messy eater!" I complained while gently cleaning off the ice cream from his lips. He pouted while looking at me and I couldn't help admiring that beautiful face.

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