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Pete's POV:

(Continuation of flashback....)

Everything Can spoke made sense. Ae needed to control his emotions in order to not hurt his people. Can briefed me about few more things and I decided that it was time to confront this person who was going crazy with this emotions.

"Can, I'll try to talk to Ae and sort this out. See you later." I said while getting up from the couch and walking towards the door. "Good luck...." Can said while following me till door. I nodded to him and then walked out of the room heading towards the office.

I reached the door and was about to push it open when one of the maid informed that Ae was not inside. When I inquired where he was, she stated that Ae was in gym doing workout. I thanked her and made my way toward gym in order to talk to this guy.

As usual, I pushed open the door only to have the most erotic view. He was working out and sweat was dripping down from his body, his muscles straining and relaxing as he lifted the weights. I suddenly felt thirsty and thought that it would be better if I talk to him later.

I began to tiptoe in order not to make noise and get out of the room but then he already noticed me. "Stop right there!" he commanded making me halt in my tracks. Damn I was caught....

I heard his footsteps as he approached me and soon his musky scent mixed with the sweat started to get stronger and stronger. My heart began to beat messily in my chest. I saw his hand reach out and close the door locking it. The next moment, I was swirled around and pinned to the door.

I gasped at the sudden attack and looked at him with bewildered expression. "Why were you running?" he asked while leaning closer and holding my gaze. The way he looked now made me feel as if I was being trapped by a predator. His eyes were dark as if ready to consume me anytime now.

"I-I..... I thought you were busy...." I tried to reply. I wasn't even able to think properly. "How many times should I tell you that I can never be busy when it comes to you?" he questioned while intertwining his fingers with mine and holding my hands in tight grip pressing them on either side of my head.

"Err... I was j-just passing by..." What a lame excuse did I come up with? "Passing by is it??? Then... Since you are already here, let me utilize this opportunity to show you my gym." His voice hinting that he didn't mean what he said but rather something wild running in his head.

He let go off my hands and pulled me along with him by wrapping his arms around my waist. "You know my favorite workout?" he asked. "May be..... Bench press..." I tried to guess. "How about I show you?" he asked. "Sure..." I replied while following him unaware of his intentions.

And then, it was something that I didn't expect or should I say, I should have known? I was standing in front of a huge body length mirror that was reflecting us. I was standing in front with him behind me. Even through the mirror, I can see that dark gaze of his that had set my inner self on fire.

"My favorite workout.... You...." He said while laying his hands on my shoulder and gently sliding them down my arms. I shivered at the touch and I can see his gaze turn more dark. "Have you known??..... That.... Nothing could satisfy me...... other than you?" he breathed out in a raspy voice against my ear while his hands got enveloped around my waist.

I was feeling so shy right now. The way he looked, the way his hands moved, everything about him right now was sending shivers over my body. "Do you wanna know what I like about you?" he asked while nuzzling my neck. I was already far gone beyond sanity to think rationally so I just whispered, "Please tell me...."

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