The battle is over

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Ae's POV:

I waited for long thinking that this dream will be over and I would wake up to see the smiling face of my baby but nothing happened. Everything remained same and I finally had to accept the reality that my family was no more. My brother, my husband, my baby, my brother in law.... Everyone was gone.

Everything changed in blink of an eye. When I was all dreaming about having a family and living my life with my love, the dream was broken into millions of pieces. The realization that I have failed to protect my family was killing me from inside.

This pain was unbearable, so much excruciating.... I don't even know how Pete would have felt when he would have realized that he was about to lose his life and our little one. I still remember well the fear he felt when he was attacked at the mall. And now.....

I closed my eyes and Pete's face flashed through my mind – smiling and beautiful. The urge to see that face again, touch it with my hands, feel that softness was slowly creeping inside me. I wanted my Pete.... I wanted my baby.... This world had nothing left for me to live for and I decided that I don't want to spend another minute here.

I will follow my love wherever he is.... I don't want to live without him. I pulled out the gun from the holster, loaded it and pointed at my head. I smiled thinking about reuniting with my loved ones again though in different world but without any worries. "I love you Pete...." I whispered.

I placed my finger on the trigger and was about to pull it when the sound of heavy firing was heard around the place. I expected to feel the impact.... To feel the pain.... But nothing happened. On the contrary, I saw Max's men falling to the ground one by one. What the.....? I turned around only to see Max being surrounded with our men. What was happening and who ordered them to be here?

I tried to move and one of them came running to help me. "Boss, you alright?" he asked to which I nodded and composed myself. I tried to get a grip while still trying to figure out what was happening when I had the biggest surprise of all, Can and Tin walked into the place all dressed and looking good without a scratch on their body.

If I was having a nightmare, this was the weirdest one. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets while looking at them. If they are alive, Pete is........? "Tin?? Can???" I called, still trying to process the things happening around, the gun I was holding in my hand fell off to the ground while the happy looking faces came into view.

Can walked towards me to help me while Tin held his gun aimed at Max. "You are here right?? I am not dreaming... Right?" I tried to confirm and hugged Can tightly. The mere thought of having lost them had my heart breaking into millions of pieces and now his presence was more than assuring.

"You are squeezing me!!" Can complained while pulling away and handing me his gun. "Where is Pete?" I asked not able to contain my anxiety. "He is safe and presently enjoying his cheese popcorns with tomato sauce and vanilla milkshake." Can replied.

Hearing those words put my heart at ease and I was finally able to breath. I looked at Max who looked completely shocked. "Surprise surprise..." Can said while playing with his gun. "How can this happen??? You all were killed!!" Max spoke in disbelief.

"Max, you have eyes??? Damn..... If you have then use them.... They were your spies that you killed." Can replied calmly. I was still confused about what actually had happened. This was not our plan. "Can, what is happening here?" I demanded.

"Ae, we just came to know that Max had sent some people who were working as spies under cover and our plan was already disclosed so unknown to others, Tin and me planned of saving Pete without letting anyone know. We talked to Pete about this and practiced in secret so that no one will come to know. We couldn't tell you about it because you were being watched all the time and we didn't want to ruin the plan." Can explained.

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