Enemy is here!

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Ae's POV:

Things were slowly getting complicated as the whole puzzle was slowly getting solved. The death of ours parents and then followed by many more who had to kiss their lives good bye for something that they have never ever done. Looking at the records and everything that was lying in front of me, I was sure about one thing, Max seriously was a psycho.

The things that had been disturbing me the most have been solved and that was Max finding out about Pete's pregnancy. No one except Pete, Can and Tin knew about the pregnancy so we were trying to investigate this matter thoroughly. Turned out, the person who was sent to kill Pete was following them everywhere and he saw them talking to the shop attendant and overhead the conversation. He didn't waste any time in informing Max about Pete's pregnancy and that made Max have the evil idea of hurting my precious baby. He just wanted to see me in pain when I realise that Pete was killed along with the baby.

There were further more information that came forth and that involved Max joining hands with many other gangs and trying to form a greater network. This sure was the sign of something big coming on since it only happened when there was soon going to be another massacre.

I didn't had much time to waste and began the process of strengthening the gang and expanding my own network. Also, I had to get ready many other plans that would help to keep Pete safe in case of any emergency. I didn't want Max to come across Pete in any way.

The gender reveal party too was held in presence of only close members of the gang and family. I couldn't risk Pete's life because I can see that Max was using all the tricks that he had. I was continuously in contact with the technical department through ear piece getting information regarding each and every suspicious activities happening around.

Can had been sitting in front of the CCTV for hours and then Tin would come to take his place allowing him to take some rest. Things were getting more and more complicated with the passage of days and the stress was slowly increasing. But I was being careful not to show any of the signs of my worries on face since I didn't want Pete to know about anything.

The day started with the normal routine and I was headed to the medical building to fetch the reports of tests that the doctor had carried out on Pete's blood sample. Even though my baby looked healthy, I wanted to make sure that he was completely fine.

When I reached the building I saw some new faces walking around the place. Recently there have been many new faces that I have been coming across which were mostly the newbies recruited by Can since this responsibility was completely entrusted to him by me.

I can see them well dressed wearing the black suit and trousers that was supposed to be the dress code that the guards had to follow. I thought that they must be the new recruitment that Can had asked for and walked away. But then, there was something that caught my attention – a big black box. Why would the newbies bring something like this inside the premises? My gut feeling began to scream to me that there was something wrong and I should quickly take some action if I wanted to prevent it.

"I suspect some activity going on in the medical department. Can, check the CCTV footages from the main entrance, technical department alert everyone. I am heading back to the penthouse!" I whispered through the mic while turning on my heels and hastily walking back in the direction of the house.

"Boss, a vehicle entered the main gate without any check." The technical head informed. Damn!!! This was the loophole I was worried about. "Where are the stupid guards God dammit!" I almost shouted through the mic. "Ae, the footage shows some people gathering around the front main road. There was an accident between a bike and a car and the biker was injured. The guards went to help him." Can informed.

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