Business Meeting

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Pete's POV:
I was standing in front of the window watching the guards move around the place. I sighed and turned around walking back to the bed. This was a usual sight now. In earlier days I was scared and terrified watching everything happening around but with passage of days, I got used to it.

I was lost in my own thoughts when the maid walked into my room carrying a box. "Sir had sent you this." She informed. I nodded to her and she moved to place the box on the table before walking out of the room. I made my way towards the table and opened the box only to find it containing a beautiful suit alongwith a note - 5.00 pm sharp.

I was now used to this. I spared a glance at clock which was showing 3.30 pm. I should better hurry up. I got fresh and returned back and slipped into the clothes which he had sent.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I was really happy to see myself looking so nice. After adjusting my dress a bit, I again looked at the clock which indicated 4.50 pm. I took deep breathe and finally walked out of the room descending the steps.

I heard some voices coming from downstairs and knew that he was instructing everyone. As soon as I came into view, he dismissed the people. "This dress looks good on you. You look quite pretty." He complimented. I blushed hearing those words from him. He always made my heart flutter.

"Thank you khrab...." I replied with a flustered expression. "You are still so polite." He stated. I wasn't used to the blunt way of talking like the rest. "He looks beautiful..." One of the other man praised. "Thank you khrab." I replied.

We walked out of the place heading to the place where the deal was going to take place. It was a famous club where most of the teenagers preferred going. This kinds of deals usually took place in the places like this in order to avoid catching attention from others. Also, it was much more convenient to get dissolved in the crowd in case something went wrong.

We arrived at the place and I stepped out of the car followed by him. We made our way inside the club with his one arm wrapped around my waist and the guards shielding us from all sides.

Soon a waitress appeared in front of us and guided us towards the private room. The loud sound of music and the DJ gave me the feeling of deja vu. "Are you scared?" He whispered in my ear. "No... I am fine..." I replied. Even though I pretended to be fine, I will never get over that night. The worst night in my life which I wouldn't have survived if I hadn't stumbled into him. It was that day that everything and everyone around me changed.

The waitress stopped in front of a door and bowed to us before leaving. He pushed open the door and entered the room and I soon followed with the men trailing behind. He sat down opposite to the Skull gang leader. I can see the gaze of the leader on me as I occupied my place. There were two women seated beside him playing with his jacket, must be his keep.

"Well, you seem to have quite a good people around." The skull gang leader commented while sparing a glance at the people at my back. "Anyways, let's get to the main point. Let's talk about the deal. How much can you pay me Mr Ae?" The skull gang leader asked. "The amount is same as we have discussed earlier and I don't want to do any changes. I think we are clear about this Mr Kong." Ae replied.

"Well, I can reduce the amount of the deal."  Kong said. His gaze landing on me and I felt a bit uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me. Unconsciously, I clutched on to Ae's jacket trying to seek some comfort. "And what would you ask in return for that??" Ae asked.

"Your moll.... If you agree to it than I will reduce the amount. Also, I'll let you be my permanent partner." Kong offered. "Hmmm.... You seem to have good eyesight." Ae commented. I can see Kong smirk. "We are dealing in all illegal stuff, things like this are common. And you know that we usually exchange..." Kong said while licking his lips.

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