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Pete's POV:

We got fresh and then walked down to the dining hall for breakfast. It was all empty and quiet now since everyone had their meal and left. There were two plates placed on the table and the maids were standing in their usual place waiting for us.

We occupied our places and they soon rushed to fill the plates and I can see a whole lot of stuff in my plate. Was I having breakfast or lunch? "I asked them to prepare this for you. We need to have a nice breakfast before proceeding. I don't know how long it will take for us to reach there." He said.

I smiled at him and then began to have the food. It tasted so yummy that I finished it all. After the breakfast, Ae guided me out of the house towards the SUV that was waiting outside. I can see the bags inside the car as we approached it.

Ae opened the passenger door for me and I climbed into the car. I can see the guards stealing glances at us while Ae closed the door and rushed towards the driver's side. It was cold and fresh so I rolled down the glass.

Then, there was someone on the window, peeping inside with a sheepish smile on his face. "Now you are leaving me and going on a vacation!!" he complained. "Can!!" I whisper yelled. "What? I don't have a say now? I was all patient when you came to me to bitch about you-" I immediately covered his mouth before he could say anything further.

"Can!! He told me late last night... I didn't know anything. Also, I don't even know where we are headed to." I informed in a low tone. "What are you two gossiping about?" I heard Ae's voice and hurriedly pulled my hand that was covering Can's mouth.

"Well, I was just telling him to have safe journey!!" Can replied while winking at me. Damn!! He scared the shit out of me just a while ago. "By the way, I hope I won't have much trouble after you return." Can said with a hint of tease. "What trouble?" Ae asked.

Oh no Can!! "Trouble with locking the doors!! You know, these days the lock of Can's bedroom is not working fine." I said and then grinned at Can who stood there frozen. I got you back bitch!! "Ahem... I mean trouble with the car. I have asked the people to check everything before you leave. For safety purpose..... I will be waiting patiently for you to return!!" Can said while diverting his attention from Ae towards me.

I knew very well what he meant by that. He was going to wait for me to tell him everything about our vacation. Not that I am going to tell him though. "Why do I feel that you both are speaking something else?" Ae asked while looking at both of us suspiciously.

I was shocked and don't ask me about the expression on Can's face because it was indescribable. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes had almost popped out.

"Ae!! We are not talking about anything khrab. It's just our inner joke. You don't have to worry about that." I tried to cover up. Ae let out a sigh and then moved to start the engine. "See you soon and take care of yourself." Can said while moving away from car and standing there with a smile. I can see the sadness hidden behind that face which he tried to push back. In past few months we grew more close and we shared a bond more than just friends. Can was like a brother to me now.

As the car moved I watched Can who tried to show a brave face in front of all. I saw someone standing at a little distance from Can and my eyes automatically got trailed to him. Tin was maintaining safe distance so that no one will get suspicious. I saw him blink his eyes assuring me that he was there for Can and I don't have to worry. I smiled at him before turning my attention to road. Through side mirror I saw Tin walk towards Can and I felt relieved.

Ae drove out of the premises and soon we were on the main road driving towards our destination. I leaned against the seat and closed my eyes sighing in content. I was sleepy too since the morning session consumed my energy and I didn't get to sleep later.

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