Mr. Khatri looked up and made himself comfortable on the bench, pocketing his new mobile.

   'So, if you are so sure about his identity, why don't you go ahead and catch him?'

   'You know the reason.' Akash said. 'I don't have any proof yet.'

   'The way things are moving, I expect the department would heed your deduction, even if it is a theory.'

   'I asked you to meet me, because I am giving you the opportunity to help me with proof and let the name surrender itself.'

   'No chance.' Mr. Khatri said instantly.

   'Well, do you want me to hand over the name to the department?'

   'Don't know, I am not really in a position to bargain.' Mr. Khatri said mildly.

Akash stood up and grabbed his jacket, turning his back to Mr. Khatri.

   'Remember when I told you I would lock you up in a real prison? That will happen soon, your days are numbered, Mr. Khatri.'

   'If you are walking on the path of proofs.' Mr. Khatri said, in his harsh tone. 'Let me tell you, friend, your road is too long and uncertain. You never know who you might end up losing, your loved ones, or maybe even yourself.'

   'I'm prepared for that.' Akash said. 'I would advise you to forget about La Catedral and accept your reality soon.'

   'Akash Paul.' Mr. Khatri stood up. 'You have four hours, either you find proof for "The Boss" or the cops will find your body dumped somewhere.' Akash turned his complete attention towards him, startled.

   'And this condition comes directly from "The Boss'" behalf.' He said, leaving the park.


26th March 2003

3:39 P.M.

   'I guess my father made too many enemies than I could fathom.' David said, pacing around.

Akash pleaded with Syna to go along with him to David's villa. She readily agreed. Akash made sure that Syna felt like she was a part of his life, now.

   'But why would "The Boss" swear his vengeance on you?' Akash asked. 'He had bad blood with uncle, not you.'

   'That's how the culture is here, brother.' David said. 'They pass on their anger and vengeance. My father died peacefully, while here my life has gone all topsy turvy since Jeel entered my life.'

   'She is gone, David.' Syna chimed in. She wanted to blend herself with every person Akash was close to, to know him better. She didn't mind even if that person was one of her former suspects.

   'Not her memories! When you think about her, her innocent face.' He said, symboling with his hands. 'It is hard to imagine she would do something like that.'

   'I understand brother.' Akash tried to console him.

   'No, you don't!' David said sarcastically. 'You have just got into it; it will take you a few years to understand what I mean.' He winked, making Syna blush.

   'Well, I hope mine goes better than yours.' Akash joked, before getting his leg bumped by Syna's.

   'Now, you two are something. When I look at you both, I see intelligence, cunningness and competition.' He grinned.

   'Alright now, stop flattering us.' Akash said. 'I want you to stay safe, and avoid moving out of your home.' David could feel Akash being overprotective. He'd already had police protection at his home, and a few other safety measures to avoid any danger.

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