"I could kill yo ass right now if I wanted too.Ion run the streets cause I own this shit.She love me for me,why I don't know neither.And I ain't make that bitch get no abortion,that was her on her own time.You know how Laylah was,the whole hood know that shit.Don't speak on mines you pussy ass boy.Whenever you wanna do big nigga shit holler at me." I said getting in my car speeding off out the parking lot.

Going to handle some real business.

3:00 am

$15,000 had been transferred into your account ending in 5019

I seen the notification send to my phone while I was in the mirror washing my face before going to bed with Taylor.

Like I said before selling products that don't sell on the block is used as a side hustle.You make more selling to bigger drug dealers or whatever the case may be.

Walking out to the bedroom about to lay down when I hear her phone go off making me curious on who would he texting her at 3:30 in the morning.
Reaching over to her side of the nightstand grabbing her phone seeing that it's was Majay?

-You woke?
-I have something I want to talk to you about.

Looking down at Taylor who I was hovering over while she slept quietly and no clue in the world right now.Taking the opportunity to text him pretending to be her.

I'll catch her up to speed when I tell her in the morning.She won't care...that much.

Yeah what wrong.

-It's about Taymar.I hope y'all not together rn.

That made my heart drop.

No he told me he was staying out of town,Is he okay?Whats wrong?

-Yeah he good and shit I had a talk with him.It's just be careful round him fr Tay.Your decisions matter.


And he just left me on read after that.

12:47 pm

"So basically you met up with him that's why you woke me up.Act like y'all was about to do some 'business deal' but he actually wanted to get with me or something like that.And the main idea was I wasn't never at no damn club with him that night,I was with Mezzy at her house helping with her sister's baby shower." I said with my arms cross.

"Well that's what he said.And Yes Tay.Then afterwards I went and sold some real work.I was texting him from your phone when he texted you." When he said texting him my phone that made me pull my eyebrows together confused.

I walked around to the other side of the island grab my phone going through the messages making me more confused.

"You really do sound like me.What he mean my decisions matter?Taymar?" He just looked at me like he tryna find something to say.I walked over to him waving the phone in his face.

"Hello?Lights on anyone home?" He ran his hand over her face letting out a deep breath looking at the floor daydreaming.

9 years ago

"So your pregnant?We gon keep it right?" I asked Laylah while we sat on the bench at the basketball courts.

"No.I can't do that Taymar."

"Why not?I get that we're young but I think we can do it." I said with hope in my voice.Even though I'm 15 and she bouta be 17,I feel like it's a chance we'd be cool.

"I cheated again and I don't know if-I don't know who's it is and I can't have you raising someone's baby.I don't want no baby right now anyways." She said rolling her eyes making me put my head down.

"Look Taymar,I feel like you can do way better.I'm sorry." Was the last thing she said before leaving me alone on the bench.I don't even know why I was with her in the first place.

"She aborted what could've been my baby Taylor.Everybody said I made her have an abortion because she didn't want anybody to know why she gave it up so everybody blamed me.I took the blame for the bitch and I ain't even do anything.That's why I spazzed out on you when you told me your pregnant.But after you left something between me and her happened again.And I may or may not-"

"Don't tell me you-you got her pregnant 4 years ago." I said with my voice cracking.He was about to talk when his phone started ringing and he was about to answer,knowing he hates arguing.

"Fuck the phone Taymar.I asked you-"

"I don't know Taylor.I don't know what you want me to say.I don't know if I did or not ight,I highly doubt it though.The bitch couldn't even raise a damn fish,let alone a newborn.And plus I seen her around after that and she didn't look pregnant at all." He said turing around in the stool.

"So you may or may not have a 4 going 5 year old?"He just shrugged running his hand over his face before tuning back to face me.

"Look Tay.If she was the whole hood would of been told you.I would've been the first to know from her like she told me before.I can ask if you want me too,you can come with me."

"Marz ion know what to say honestly.Was it just a one time thing?" He nodded.

"I promise.I was heartbroken and high that night and she looked good.I don't know when was the last time you seen her but umm she's a stripper and part time prostitute I'm not even joking." I plucked his forehead.

"What if it's true.You gone leave me?"

"Can we find out first then I'll see because I don't know right now like at all." I said looking at the floor.He tilted my head up with his finger kissing my cheek.

"I told you before Taylor,it's only 1 saint in this relationship now.I promise ima make everything better,I'm going to be a better man for my- our daughter." I bit my tongue while nodding.

"Come on.Let's go talk to her." He said getting up taking my hand.

Knowing that he could possibly have a baby with another person makes me break in the inside.I don't think I can stay with him while knowing that.

Hope this was good enough.🌿

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