Breaking The Codes

Start from the beginning

   'Syna. What's exactly going on between you two?' she paused. 'I mean you're a lot with her lately.'

   'It's none of your business, Cat. I just want to end this case and find the culprit.'

   'But I don't like her, and you stick with her nowadays.' She complained.

   'Look, Cat, you and me, we don't love each other. You said it yourself, remember? So it's none of your business about who I stick with or don't.' He yelled. Catherine was taken aback by his sudden aggressiveness.

   'No open windows for you anymore, leave my house.'


   'Those two points are definitely why they joined him, but they make no sense at all.' Dexter shrieked.

   'Last attempt of pure love which was followed by none, and also banned.' Akash read the letter numerous times.

   'It says he bided his time until their execution, which means these two points are the reasons why Abort Hazer and Rahul Arora joined him. We just have to break the code or the metaphor or whatever the hell it is.' Syna said.

   'How are the great "Aryabhata" and "John Wallis" even connected with their reasons?'

   'Maybe it was for poetic effect, or maybe it's a code. Read carefully, it says "A professor's theory"' Akash explained.

"From Aryabhata's zero to John Wallis's infinity,

a professor's theory was never given any continuity."

   'You mean one of them was a professor? This is rubbish.'

   'Trust me, we both spent the entire night trying to figure out this code, and we still have nothing.'

   'You should have informed me about this letter yesterday.' Akash shook his head.

   'I assumed you might have received this letter' Syna asked.

   'Nope, after your call, I checked my post-box as well as the doorstep, there was nothing.'

They stared at the last stanza.

Failure gave them what success couldn't.

I offered them what justice wouldn't.

Biding my time till their execution,

the Known-Unknown finally returns!

   'This para looks easy.' Syna said. 'The first line suggests that both of his accomplices achieved something great, not through success but failure?'

   'And they also seem to have sought justice? Justice is offered by law.' Akash deduced. 'But seems like the law couldn't give them the justice they longed for, so The Stalker somehow handed it to them?'

   'And that's why they both joined him?' All three of them fired questions at each other.

   'What troubles me is those last two lines.' Syna pointed. '"Biding my time till their execution, the Known-Unknown finally returns"' Syna read out.

   'The subtle art of leaving no trace behind.' Dexter said. 'After all, one of his partners was executed just a few days back and the last one remaining will be executed tomorrow.'

"The last attempt of Pure love through a ruthless ritual,

unstopped by everyone and followed by none,

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